Once Upon A Time (Tom Hiddleston x Teen!R)

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"And cut!" The director shouted.

Thank god that scene was over- it took twelve takes until it was perfected. You were growing restless, as well as your costar, Tom Hiddleston.

You and him are filming the first Avenger's movie and you play a young character who gets brainwashed by his scepter. Filming was wrapping up in a few weeks and so you were filming some scenes- the ending was that Loki takes you in as his own.

"Good job, Y/n/n." Tom says, walking over and high-fiving you.

"Thanks Tom, you too." You say, walking away.

"That's it for tonight! Tomorrow's also a day off so enjoy the little break!" The director shouted as you walk out of the studio.

You sigh in content as you walk out of the large door of the warehouse. When you exit, you hadn't even realized that it was night. You stand for a moment, observing the surroundings.

Crickets chirp in the distance the occasional faint sound of a car on the nearby interstate was heard. Besides that, it was deadly silent.

The stars look like little fairy lights compared to a black sheet. The gentle night breeze tickles your face as you exhale softly, continuing to walk back to your trailer.

Climbing the two small steps, you open the creaky trailer door. That's gonna need some W-D40 unless your goal is to wake up your costars. RDJ enjoyed reminding everyone how much he needed his beauty sleep.

Flicking on the light, the door closes behind you. The first thing you do is kick off your shoes and immediately faceplant into the trailer's abnormally large couch.

Groaning, you turn your head to the side so you don't suffocate yourself to death.

As soon as your eyes are closed, you are out like a light.

You wake up and push yourself off of the couch with your palms with a grunt. Wiping the drool from the corner of your mouth with your sleeve, you look at the clock on the wall.

It shows that it's two hours past midnight. Why the hell did the universe choose to wake you up this early on your day off?

You force yourself to move from the couch and onto your bed, not wanting your neck to hurt a second longer.

The fair sized room holds a mini closet, a full bed, and some essentials. Kinda homey.

You lay there for for at least half an hour, unable to fall asleep. With a disdainful grunt, you push yourself off of your bed and walk to the main room.

Maybe a walk will do you good. Sliding your shoes on, you open the door and let it close behind you with a creaky thud.

You walk down the measly two steps of the trailer and stand in the parking-lot like place.

The trailers on either side of you read R Downey Jr. and C. Hemsworth.

You walk farther down the small row of trailers, looking for a specific person's place. Tom Hiddleston.

He is very kind and is oftentimes like a father figure to you. He even has watched Disney movies with you between filming.

All of the lights in everyone's trailers are off, including Tom's. Which is why you nearly missed the familiar man sitting on the small steps of his trailer.

"Tom?" You quietly ask.

The Brit looks up at you with the moon shining on his face. He sputters and you realize.. he's smoking.

"*Cough* H-Hey, N/n.. T-These are just herbal- props." He hurriedly says, his voice slightly rasping before going to normal.

You raise your eyebrows and walk over to the man who looks away from your gaze like a kid with his hand caught in the cookie jar.

There is a faint blush on his cheeks, clearly embarrassed at being caught smoking by a teen- let alone the very one he sees as a daughter.

"You're fine, Tom. I'm not judging you." You murmur, slightly smirking at his flustered state.

He exhales and a faint cloud of excess smoke exits his mouth, before he flicks the cigarette on the ground in front of him. The slender man stands up and grinds his heel on it, before picking it up. He flicks it into a trashcan that luckily happens to be right next to him.

"Thanks.." He mumbles, running a hand down his face.

He pauses for a moment, taking the hand away from his chin. He eyes you up and down before looking at his wrist watch, likely checking the time.

"Y/n, it's half passed two in the bloody morning! What are you doing out here?" He says, looking into your eyes.

You purse your lips together and shrug, walking up to him a few steps.

"Couldn't sleep.. Woke up a little while ago and wanted to see if you were awake...." You mumble.

"Mm... Well, you're just in luck.. Hey, it's kind of cold out here! Where's your sweater??" He asks, sighing with a disapproval look.

Total mother hen.

You hadn't even realized that when you exhaled, a cloud of cold air left you.

You chuckle and smirk, putting your hands on your hips.

"I was born in the Midwest. I'm pretty sure my soul was crafted in the pits of Antarctica." You laugh.

The brit smiles and lets out an airy chuckle.

"Now, why are you awake? Hm?" You ask, ready to scold him as a mother would to her child.

"I couldn't sleep..." He shrugs, pausing for a moment.

"Now, do you want to keep walking around in the shadow of night as a warm-blooded reptile, or would you like to watch a Disney movie with me?" He asks, softly smiling.

"I'd love to watch a movie." I grin.

He nods and turns around to climb up the steps, opening the door for you.

"After you." He says with a little bow.

You chuckle and walk through the door. He enters behind you and gently closes the door.

He doesn't bother to turn on the light since you were only watching a movie.

He grabs the remote and the two of you sit side by side. You rest your head against his shoulder and he wraps a comforting arm around you. Opening the DVD player app, he clicks on the icon and the movie starts to play.

"Now coming to theaters near yo-"

He presses the skip button and the cover of a pops up.

In swirly red letters, the title of the movie playing reads:

Beauty & the Beast

You gasp and lightly punch his shoulder.

"Psychic." You say, grinning up at him.

He chuckles and looks down at you, kissing your forehead before looking back at the screen.

"Of course I already had it in the DVD player, darling, it's your favorite." He softly says.

You smile and close your eyes, listening to the background.

"Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a young prince..."

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