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Saiko awoke to again another bad day

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Saiko awoke to again another bad day. Beside his bed, beer bottles and platters of dry noodle bits stared at him. He hadn't been able to shake this feeling since he graduated from university. He'd been in this condition for over four months. His filthy and chaotic existence was never cleaned up.

After his last relationship, he didn't even have a girlfriend or a regular buddy. Only Sora from primary school could be considered a friend. This was because they had always attended the same schools since elementary school. Sora graduated first in his class, and Saiko came in second. They applied to 'The University of Tokyo' the same year and were admitted on their first try.

He combed his unruly hair to one side and turned to face the screen. He'd forgotten about it at night.

A video was still playing on YouTube. A bald man was often providing survival tips. He was spending his days watching these vids these days. He was continually envisioning himself in similar settings to pass the time. He'd learnt everything from forging a sword to building a clay house, from creating a bow to surviving, in short, how to exist without technology in the last few months.

Despite this, he couldn't take his hands off the phone or his gaze away from the screen. The 'combine and strengthen' game, which he played on the phone all the time, had become like a cigarette to him. He didn't feel like playing today for some reason and gently tossed the phone on the couch.

He scratched his tummy and walked up to the computer. He put "My Hero Academia" into the search window after searching for He was now watching the final episode of the fifth season. Saiko is bisexual, therefore he was drawn to the majority of the characters in the show, or rather, in most anime shows. He has seen so many anime that he has lost track of how many he has seen. Then, just as the opening scene began, his phone rang.

He grabbed for his latest model phone, which was sitting next to him on the sofa. Even if there was no food, he would buy the most recent model phone. Despite the fact that he did not publish images on social media, he want the finest.

He took up the phone to see who was calling. Sora was there. With a sweep of his finger, he answered the phone.



"What's up?"

"Good, how are you?"

"Well, I just woke up, the anime opening was about to start and you called. What's up, is there something?"

"Hahahahahah! I guess I caught it at the right time then! Hahahahaha!"

"Straight to the point, dude."

"Okay, bro, you remember Sakura, right?"

"You mean the useless pink-haired girl from Naruto?"

"What? No, I meant my girlfriend!"

Charged Reincarnation/Reincarnated as Denki Kaminari Where stories live. Discover now