Vol.3, Chapter 9- Mock Battles (Part 2)

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After the exhilarating mock battle, Denki, Inasa, Momo, and Jiro made their way back to the observatory room, their path accompanied by a chorus of enthusiastic praise from their classmates.

"Wow, you guys were absolutely amazing out there!" Kirishima grinned, giving Denki a hearty slap on the back.

"Thanks, Kirishima-san." Denki returned the smile, his gratitude evident.

Turning his attention to the participants of the earlier match, Kirishima walked away, leaving Denki to be approached by Shoto, who wore a soft, genuine smile. "Congratulations, Denki."

"Thanks, Shoto." Denki replied, his grin widening in response.

Meanwhile, Izuku approached Momo and Inasa with genuine admiration in his eyes. "Yoayarazu, and Yoarashi, your quirks were nothing short of amazing!"

Uraraka chimed in, echoing the sentiment. "You guys were truly incredible out there!"

Observing from a distance, Bakugou stood with his arms crossed, his expression a mix of annoyance and begrudging acknowledgment. 'Kaminari-san and Tornado Boy will be tough competition for number one.' He thought.

Amidst the excited chatter, All Might's commanding voice boomed, instantly silencing the room. "All right, everyone, attention!" he clapped his hands, drawing all eyes toward him. "Who do you think deserves the title of MVP in this battle?"

Iida, always eager to contribute, shot his hand up without hesitation. "I'll answer that!" he declared.

"Go ahead!" All Might encouraged his trademark grin in place.

"In this mock battle scenario," Iida began with unwavering confidence, "it's evident that Kaminari emerges as the true MVP. His quick thinking, resourcefulness, and creative use of his quirk allowed him to outmaneuver his opponents and successfully defuse the bomb, ultimately securing victory for the Hero Team. Kaminari's ability to adapt, counter his adversaries' powers, and devise an effective strategy showcased his exceptional skills as a hero-in-training."

"Absolutely correct!" All Might exclaimed, his approval resonating through the room, underscoring Denki's exceptional performance in the hearts of his peers.

"All right, now for the next battle, it's between..." All Might grabbed two ballots, his eyes scanning the letters printed on them. "I declare Team B as the villains and Team I as the heroes!"

"Oh, it's my turn," Shoto said, his voice steady and determined.

Denki offered Shoto an encouraging pat on the back. "Good luck, Shoto," he said with a friendly grin.

Leaning closer to Shoto's left ear, Denki whispered, his tone playful yet supportive, "If you win, I'll reward you wholesomely."

Shoto felt a slight blush creep onto his cheeks, surprised by Denki's teasing but motivating words. "Uhh... sure," he stammered, trying to regain his composure.

With newfound determination, Shoto started walking away, his steps infused with motivation. Denki's words lingered in his ears, spurring him forward as he prepared to face his next challenge in the mock battle.


Shoto and Shoji stood before the building, getting ready for the mock battle. They began stretching to limber up for the upcoming challenge.

Shoto, curious about his teammate's quirk, inquired, "Shoji-san, what does your quirk, 'Dupli-Arms,' allow you to do?"

Shoji paused his stretching for a moment to explain, "Well, my Dupli-Arms quirk grants me the ability to sprout multiple appendages from my torso. These additional limbs are incredibly versatile, capable of mimicking the functions of human arms or adapting to various situations. They provide enhanced strength, dexterity, and utility, which makes me well-suited for combat and rescue missions. Whether I need to grab, hold, or manipulate objects, my Dupli-Arms offer me the flexibility to adapt on the fly, making me a valuable asset in a wide range of situations."

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