Vol. 1, Chapter 11- Two Reports

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Eraserhead's POV

The silence hung in the air, pregnant with anticipation, as I prepared to pose my question to the enigmatic figure before me.

"Go ahead," he replied, his voice betraying a hint of curiosity.

Carefully choosing my words, I inquired, "Are you an underground hero?"

My question was not a mere formality; it was a calculated move to confirm my suspicion. His response would determine the course of our interaction.

"Yes, I'm an underground hero," he answered confidently, his voice seemingly devoid of deceit.

But I knew better.

Doubt gnawed at me as I recalled the files Tsukauchi had provided. None of the documents mentioned any collaboration with popular or underground heroes. The incongruity between his claim and the information I possessed only heightened my skepticism.

"I see...sorry for misunderstanding you," I responded, concealing my knowledge with feigned innocence. Playing along seemed like the wiser choice-exposing his lies might unravel his true intentions.

With a sense of controlled release, I loosened the grip of my scarf, withdrawing the pressure from his back and ceasing the use of my quirk. It was a calculated decision, a strategic choice to keep the situation from escalating prematurely.

In truth, I could have continued restraining him, maintaining my advantage. I could have called Tsukauchi, and reinforcements would swiftly arrive, shattering the stillness of the night. However, the clamor of approaching cars would inevitably disturb the peaceful slumber of the Kaminaris, making our covert operation impossible to conceal.

As he rose to his feet, brushing off the dirt from his clothes, I took the opportunity to introduce myself.

"I'm Eraserhead, an underground hero just like you," I stated, striving to maintain an air of camaraderie.

He responded in kind, introducing himself as Kurogiri. His name echoed in my mind as I analyzed the information at hand. Kurogiri's mist-like form and ability to disappear into the darkness suggested a mutation quirk-a unique power that set him apart from conventional quirks.

In a bid to create an illusion of cooperation, Kurogiri proposed a plan to divide our posts and expand our coverage. It was a cunning move, an attempt to exploit the situation and engineer his escape.

"Sounds good to me. You take the left side while I take the right side," I agreed, aware of the underlying motives beneath his proposal.

With our roles established, we parted ways, each venturing towards our assigned directions. I kept a watchful eye on his movements, mindful of any attempt to exploit his mist-based powers.

But as I approached the area where Kurogiri had supposedly taken position, a sight unfolded before me that elicited a shocked exclamation.


My words escaped my lips involuntarily as I witnessed Kurogiri running towards a swirling black mist-an ominous portal. The realization struck me like a lightning bolt. I attempted to activate my quirk, to nullify his escape, but it was too late. In a matter of seconds, he stepped into the void of the mist and vanished.

"Did he just disappear?!" I exclaimed, disbelief coloring my voice.

My earlier assumption about his mutation quirk had proven false. Kurogiri's ability to create portals, evident from his seamless disappearance, introduced a whole new level of complexity to the situation. His powers were far more formidable and elusive than I had anticipated.

Charged Reincarnation/Reincarnated as Denki Kaminari Where stories live. Discover now