Vol. 3, Chapter 11- CØN†RØŁ

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After school, Denki and Shoto had a date, as they had planned earlier. Shoto's mood was noticeably subdued due to the recent news about Endeavor. Denki, in his characteristic upbeat manner, tried his best to bring some cheer to his friend. He employed an arsenal of jokes, warm hugs, and playful games at a nearby café, hoping to lift Shoto's spirits.

After the date, Denki walked Shoto home, a gesture that brought a small, appreciative smile to Shoto's face.

Later, back at his own home, Denki opened the door, announcing his return with a cheerful, "I'm home!" He slipped off his shoes and greeted his mother, Shiina, who was in the living room.

"Welcome back, Denki. How was school?" Shiina asked, her warm eyes meeting her son's.

"It was fine until we heard about Endeavor," Denki replied. "Shoto was feeling really down, so we went on a date to try and cheer him up," he said, a genuine smile gracing his lips.

"That's wonderful, dear," Shiina said, her smile mirroring her son's.

Changing the subject, Denki inquired, "By the way, Mum, do you know where Tenko-nii is? I wanted to talk to him about something."

"Curious about Touya's feelings regarding the news?" Shiina asked, understanding her son's concern.

Denki nodded, his expression serious. "Yeah, and I also want to know how the rest of the Todoroki family is coping with everything."

"I understand," Shiina replied, her voice softening. "Rei, Natsuo, and Fuyumi... their reactions have been a mix of emotions. They're saddened, yet there's an unexplainable complexity in their feelings," she said, reflecting the family's struggle to come to terms with the news.

"Even Shoto has the same reaction, but one thing's for sure is that he cried," Denki said, a hint of concern in his voice. "Anyways, enough with the sad news. Where's Dad?"

"He's at work," Shiina replied, her voice carrying a mix of pride and understanding for her husband's dedication.

"DING!" The timer chimed, indicating that the food was ready.

"Oh, it seems the chicken is ready," Shiina said, her eyes lighting up. "Denki, go set up the table while I get the food on the plates."

"Okay," Denki responded, heading to the kitchen with a newfound energy, ready to help his mother in setting up the dinner table.


Raiden and Tenko arrived just as Denki finished setting up the table. Denki could immediately tell that Tenko had come from his Agency, but what caught his attention was Raiden's unusual attire: a yellow suit vest, black coat, slacks, and shoes.

 Denki could immediately tell that Tenko had come from his Agency, but what caught his attention was Raiden's unusual attire: a yellow suit vest, black coat, slacks, and shoes

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"Dad, what's with the outfit?" Denki asked, puzzled.

"I could ask the same thing, Dad," Tenko chimed in, equally curious.

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