Vol 1, Chapter 12- The SYSTEM

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3rd POV

The morning symphony of melodious songbirds began to fill the air, their harmonious tunes echoing through the awakening surroundings. The area was bathed in the gentle glow of the early-morning sun, casting a golden hue upon the downtown streets and painting the sky with a delicate shade of pink.

At the Kaminari household, three figures stood outside the front door, preparing for the day ahead. Denki, Raiden, and Shiina gathered to bid farewell to Denki, who was heading off to school.

"Did you pack everything?" Shiina asked, her voice tinged with concern.

"Yes, Mom! I packed everything!" Denki replied, a hint of annoyance tempered by a warm smile. He understood her worry; it was only natural for parents to be concerned about their children.

Shiina sought reassurance once more, wanting to ensure her son was fully prepared for the day. "Are you sure?"

Denki unzipped his bag, determined to erase any traces of worry from his mother's face. He revealed the contents of his bag, proudly displaying his notebooks, pencils, crayons, books, and other essential materials needed for school.

Seeing the well-prepared supplies, Shiina's face lit up with a smile. She gently patted Denki's head, a gesture of pride and affection. "Excellent, Denki. I'm happy to see you taking responsibility," she praised.

Denki beamed at his mother's approval, his smile widening. "Of course, Mom. I'm responsible. You taught me basic manners, after all!"

Shiina chuckled softly, acknowledging the truth in Denki's words. When he had been reincarnated into this world, Shiina had been the one to guide him, teaching him the fundamentals of etiquette and manners. Though Denki already possessed some knowledge, he had willingly absorbed her teachings, recognizing her kindness and wisdom.

While Denki appreciated Shiina's care, he couldn't forget about his father, Raiden. Raiden, despite his busy work schedule, always made an effort to spend quality time with his family and showered Denki with affection.

"Hey, what about me?" Raiden chimed in, his voice laced with playful anticipation.

Denki pondered for a moment, acknowledging Raiden's importance as a parent. "I love you too, Dad!" he declared, intentionally evading the question.

Raiden didn't seem bothered by the playful dodge; instead, he joined in the affectionate exchange. He, too, patted Denki's head, displaying his love and pride. "Denki, I love you too," he affirmed, his smile genuine and warm.

As the tender family moment unfolded, the front door creaked open, capturing their attention. Touya and Tenko, Denki's stepbrother and soon-to-be adoptive brother, emerged from within. Both still appeared groggy and disheveled, indicating their recent awakening.

"Good morning, Touya-kun and Tenko-kun. Why are you both up so early?" Shiina inquired, noting their unconventional morning routines.

Under normal circumstances, children would be preparing to leave for school at this hour. However, since Touya and Tenko had yet to enroll, they were exempt from such obligations. Touya had been residing with them while Raiden's connections looked into the matter concerning Endeavor. On the other hand, Tenko's adoption process was nearing completion, with only a few formalities left to be addressed.

Touya, the ever-observant one, explained their presence. "Since it's customary for everyone to bid farewell to the school-goer during this time, Tenko and I inferred that we should also be here to say our goodbyes to Denki."

Denki's smile widened as he listened to Touya's explanation. He felt a sense of relief knowing that with Tenko, the former vessel for All For One, becoming his stepbrother, there would be fewer threats to worry about in the future. Touya, too, would serve as a friend and companion.

Charged Reincarnation/Reincarnated as Denki Kaminari Where stories live. Discover now