Vol.1, Chapter 07- SUSpicion and Gaurd

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A man with glowing blue skin and intricate sparkling gold tattoos all over his body appeared, captivating the eye with his otherworldly presence. The tattoos formed diamond marks on his right half and circular markings on his left half, accentuating his ethereal and mystical aura. His hair, also glowing in a vibrant blue hue, flowed around him like a shimmering cascade. He was dressed in a tuxedo that emitted a sparkling blue glow, reminiscent of stars scattered across the universe.

"I still feel guilty for accidentally clicking the 'kill' button on him; it was intended to be Gojo's death," the man lamented, his voice echoing through the void

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"I still feel guilty for accidentally clicking the 'kill' button on him; it was intended to be Gojo's death," the man lamented, his voice echoing through the void.

The man's attention was drawn to Denki and Tenko, who were embracing each other while Tenko wept. Denki gently stroked Tenko's back, offering comfort and solace.

"It seems he's changing the timeline, and I'm glad he's doing fine," the man observed with a hint of relief in his voice.

Inspired by the scene before him, the man contemplated a way to make amends for his past actions.

"As an apology, I will give him one of my special treasures hidden in my vault," he resolved.

With a flick of his fingers, a portal materialized before him, leading to a new void. Stepping through the portal, he entered a realm filled with countless treasures, each more magnificent than the last.

"It's time to find the perfect artifact for Denki. This might take a while, considering the vastness of the vault, which exceeds even the size of the Milky Way Galaxy," the man mused, fully aware of the magnitude of his task.

He was not exaggerating. The vault stretched far beyond the reaches of the Milky Way Galaxy, filled with magical treasures imbued with extraordinary abilities.

"Fortunately for me, I have memorized every treasure in the vault," he reassured himself, confident in his knowledge.

The man embarked on his search, carefully examining each artifact, seeking the one that would be the ideal gift for Denki. In this vast expanse of wonders, he knew he would find something truly extraordinary.


Denki's POV

Tenko and I continued embracing each other tightly, finding solace in each other's presence. However, amidst our shared affection, a nagging thought crept into my mind – what about All for One?

A wave of anxiety washed over me as I considered the dangers that lay ahead. All for One, the notorious quirk thief, had spent centuries accumulating powers. It was highly likely that he possessed a tracking quirk, which he could use to locate and retrieve Tenko. If All for One succeeded, not only Tenko's life would be at risk, but also mine and my family's. Even with my father's once-revered status as the former number-one pro-hero in Japan, I doubted his ability to defeat All for One now that he was past his prime.

Charged Reincarnation/Reincarnated as Denki Kaminari Where stories live. Discover now