Vol. 3, Chapter 3- Too Much Crap Is Happening

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Author's Note:

With school happening, I would not be posting like I used to.

But anyway, I hope you enjoy, and if you did, please vote!



Denki's POV

After getting a D+ rating in DDR, Shoto and I decided to call it quits, especially given the sizeable audience that had gathered around us.

Stretching my arms and feeling a sense of accomplishment regardless of the rating, I grinned at Shoto. "That was fun! What do you want to play next?"

Shoyo did a thinking pose, "I don't know to be honest since there's too many to choose from."'

Shoto's thoughtful response resonated with me as we stood amidst the bustling arcade. The plethora of options stretched before us, each game offering a different excitement.

"Yeah, you're right," I agreed with a nod. "There's everything from racing games to fighting games, and even those rhythm games like DDR." My gaze flicked from one machine to another, considering our choices.

"Uhm, excuse me," a voice broke through our conversation, prompting us to turn in the direction of the sound.

To my surprise, a tall, confident, and muscular young man stood before us, his hair styled in an undercut. Despite the height, muscle, and hairstyle difference, his large green eyes made me think that it was Izuku Midoriya.

Oh, damn Deku, when did you become so hot? If you were to ask me out, I don't mind accepting.

Beside him was the familiar, explosively aggressive Katsuki Bakugo, with his signature spiky blonde hair and a determined aura.

Pft! Bakugou still looks the same from the manga, LMFAO!

I decided to play innocent and feigned ignorance. "Uhh... how can I help you?"

"If you're going to rob us, then do better next time," Shoto's words were delivered with his characteristic calm and composed demeanor. His tone carries a hint of dry amusement.

I suppressed a chuckle at Shoto's directness, ready to see how the situation would unfold.

"Hah!? Who do you think we are?!" Katsuki's voice rang out, his indignation clear in his tone.

Before I could react, I watched in surprise as Izuku swiftly intervened. "CHOP!" he exclaimed, delivering a playful chop to Katsuki's head.

The unexpected action left me momentarily speechless, caught between amusement and curiosity about Izuku's intent.

It seemed my interference made Izuku more confident than he was in the original manga.

"What was that for?!" Katsuki's voice held a mixture of irritation and bewilderment.

"For being an idiot," Izuku responded matter-of-factly, his tone carrying a playful edge.

Izuku then redirected his focus toward us, his expression apologetic. "I'm sorry for his reaction. But we're definitely not here to rob you."

"We know," both Shoto and I chimed in simultaneously.

I couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. It was quite evident that none of us had assumed they were here for nefarious reasons. After all, an arcade was hardly the ideal setting for any kind of theft.

"Anyway, how can we help you?" Shoto inquired, taking charge of the conversation this time.

"Well..." Izuku's sentence trailed off, leaving us waiting for his explanation.

Charged Reincarnation/Reincarnated as Denki Kaminari Where stories live. Discover now