Vol. 1, Chapter 13- Starting Magic

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It's lunchtime, and Shoto and Denki find themselves sitting together to enjoy their meals. The cafeteria is bustling with students, and the aroma of various dishes fills the air. Shoto, being his usual reserved self, decides to strike up a conversation.

"Denki, what are you eating?" Shoto inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Denki paused for a moment, swallowing his food before meeting Shoto's gaze. "This is Chicken Teriyaki. Wanna try some?" he offered, a friendly smile on his face.

"Mhm!" Shoto responded eagerly, his interest sparked by the tantalizing aroma of the dish.

Denki skillfully used his chopsticks to pick up a few succulent pieces of chicken, extending his hand towards Shoto's waiting mouth. Shoto accepted the offering, taking a bite and savoring the flavors that exploded in his mouth. His eyes sparkled with delight as he chewed.

"This is delicious!" Shoto exclaimed, his excitement evident.

"Of course it is. My father cooked it," Denki replied with pride, his voice filled with fondness for his family's culinary expertise.

"Ohh!" Shoto responded, clearly impressed by the source of the dish's deliciousness.

Denki's attention then shifted to Shoto's bento, noticing the presence of Soba noodles. "So, your food is Soba?" he asked, seeking confirmation.

"Mhm!" Shoto nodded, confirming Denki's observation.

"Wanna try some, Denki?" Shoto generously offered, extending his chopsticks toward his friend.

"Sure," Denki accepted, opening his mouth to receive the offered noodles. He chewed thoughtfully, finding the Soba to be enjoyable despite its slightly cold temperature.

"It's cold, but it tasted good," Denki remarked, his words accompanied by a pleased expression.

"Cold Sobas are my favorite! My mom always cooks them for me!" Shoto revealed, his smile radiating warmth and contentment.

Denki reciprocated the smile. "That's good to hear," he replied, appreciating the glimpse into Shoto's family life.

After their exchange, a comfortable silence settled between them as they continued savoring their respective meals. The atmosphere was filled with a sense of satisfaction and camaraderie.

Denki couldn't help but steal occasional glances at the "Magical Tome for Beginners" lying on his desk, waiting to be explored. However, he knew that he couldn't indulge in its contents during lunchtime. Their teacher might reprimand him for not paying attention, and Denki didn't want to attract unnecessary attention.

As they finished their lunches, their hunger satiated, Denki's gaze shifted to the clock above the blackboard, indicating that they still had an hour before classes resumed. Denki felt a sense of relief, knowing that the upcoming subjects were relatively simple, thanks to their retained memories from their previous life.

Suddenly, their attention was drawn to a familiar voice, interrupting their tranquil lunch break. It was the same girl who had repeatedly invited them to play before.

"Ichini-san! What is it?" Shoto inquired, addressing the girl by her unusual nickname, "One, Two, Three," in English.

"I was wondering if you could play hide and seek with us!" Ichini-san proposed, her eyes filled with excitement.

Shoto, being the spirited and adventurous type, immediately agreed, exclaiming, "Okay!"

"That's great! Follow me so we can get started!" Ichini-san beckoned, leading the way to where the other players were gathering.

Charged Reincarnation/Reincarnated as Denki Kaminari Where stories live. Discover now