Vol. 2, Chapter 09- Farewell

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Denki's POV

I find myself in my assigned bedroom, lying on my soft bed, lost in deep thought as I reflect on the events that have transpired. It has been exactly one day since the notorious girl villain launched her audacious attack on David's office. This incident swiftly captured the attention of people all around the world.

The aftermath of the attack brought a frenzy of media attention, with hordes of news reporters eagerly seeking answers from David, the owner of the targeted office. Armed with his exceptional intellect, quick thinking, and natural charm, David effectively fielded their inquiries, providing them with insightful responses that left them satisfied yet still intrigued.

However, amidst the chaos and questions, one chilling fact remains etched in my mind: the girl who orchestrated the assault on David's office had a specific mission to eliminate me, per the orders of her mysterious "master."

Since I have not pissed off any other villains, I have concluded that this enigmatic figure can be none other than All for One himself. He remains displeased with my role in discovering and rescuing Tenko and subsequently convincing my parents to adopt him as part of our family.

Yet, the memories of the relentless battles I fought against the girl armed with laser beam powers linger in my thoughts.

Engaging her in combat proved to be a pain in the ass, and I must admit, she possesses a formidable skill set. The ease with which she melted objects with her intense laser beams left a lasting impression on me, albeit begrudgingly.

Since I left her in the building to die from the fire, I would not be surprised if I pissed off All for One again. He will probably find another person to brainwash and order them to kill me and my family.

Knowing this, I knew I couldn't just stand around and hope they would disappear.

Despite recently reaching level 5, I realized that I need more battle experience. Fortunately for me, Tenko has graduated from U.A. and Dad is the former number-one hero, I could ask them for help.


As if on cue, my phone rings, disrupting my thoughts.

I retrieve my phone and notice that it's Tenko calling me.

Upon seeing his name on the screen, a smile instantly spreads across my face.

I answer the call and greet him, "Hello, Tenko-Nii!"

"Denki, are you okay? I saw the news about what happened on I-Island," Tenko asks, his concern evident in his voice.

"Don't worry; I'm fi--"

"Denki! Is that you?! Are you okay?!" My mother's voice interrupts.

"Ma, don't scream near me like that!" Tenko chimes in.

I hear my mother giggle and apologize, "Sorry, dear!"

I chuckle softly and reply, "Yeah, I'm fine, Mom. No need to worry so much."

Both of them breathe sighs of relief on the other end of the line.

"Thank goodness you're fine!" Mom exclaims.

"By the way, Denki, would you like to come to the agency that Touya and I have established?" Tenko asks.

"Sure, I'd love to see what your agency looks like," I reply.

"Denki, have you packed your things for tomorrow?" Mom interjects.

I glance at my yellow luggage and confirm, "Yes, Mom."

Tomorrow marks the day I finally return home, and I've packed all my belongings.

"That's good to hear," Mom responds. "By the way, I heard you and your dad plan to have a spar once you're back. Are you ready?"

Charged Reincarnation/Reincarnated as Denki Kaminari Where stories live. Discover now