Vol. 3, Chapter 14- Deaths

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Denki's POV:

"That's Touya," I observed, catching the smirk on Tenko's face.


The resounding echo of the USJ doors crashing open demanded our attention. All Might, flanked by other UA heroes and police officers, had made a grand entrance.

"I AM HERE!" All Might's powerful declaration resonated as he surveyed the scene.

"It seems the battle was already finished before we came, huh," I overheard All Might mutter.

Addressing the police officers and fellow heroes, he commanded, "Call the medical staff, and let's assist with the injured!"

As the officers and heroes mobilized, Tenko directed me, "Denki, go help them."

Nodding, I sprinted toward the central plaza, greeted by the sight of unconscious villain underlings, some encased in ice—clearly Shoto's doing.

Kurogiri lay incapacitated, being cuffed by a police officer, while medical staff prepared to transfer him onto a stretcher.

Aizawa, unconscious and bearing severe burns, was also placed on a stretcher. The extent of the injuries suggested a fierce struggle.

Walking past me, two medical staff carried Touya on a stretcher. He, too, bore the marks of the conflict, likely from the explosive encounter with the Endeavor Nomu.


Turning around, I saw Midoriya approaching. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah, Inferno was heavily injured," Izuku shared.

Scanning the surroundings, I realized Shoto was nowhere in sight, deepening my concern.

"Izuku-San, have you seen Shoto?" I inquired, my worry for my boyfriend evident in my voice.

"No, I did not," Izuku responded.

"Excuse me, coming through!" we heard two medical staff approaching with a stretcher.

Granting them space, we stepped aside. As they passed, a jolt of shock hit me—they were carrying Shoto!

He lay heavily injured and unconscious on the stretcher. Concern and panic surged through me.

"Shoto!" I cried out, rushing toward him.

Before I could reach him, Izuku gently grasped my hand. "Denki-San, Shoto-San is going to be fine. Let the medical staff do their job."

I shook his hand off, my worry overriding reason. "Izuku-San, he's my—"

"Your best friend, I know. But let the medical staff do their job; he'll be fine," Izuku interjected, offering reassurance in the face of my escalating anxiety.

I took a deep breath, allowing Izuku's words to penetrate the cloud of worry that enveloped me. Shoto was strong, and he had the medical staff attending to him—professionals who knew how to handle situations like these.

With renewed determination, I exhaled, forcing myself to stay calm. Shoto would pull through, and I needed to trust in the expertise of the medical team. As much as my heart longed to be by his side, I knew that letting them do their job was the best course of action.

"Thanks, Izuku-San," I said, appreciating the support and reassurance he offered.

Izuku nodded, understanding the weight of concern that rested on my shoulders.

"A student is not breathing! Coming through!" The urgency in the medical staff's voice jolted me from my thoughts.

Turning swiftly, I witnessed the gravity of the situation—two medical staff carrying a stretcher with a figure draped in a blanket. The atmosphere shifted as the harsh reality sank in.

Charged Reincarnation/Reincarnated as Denki Kaminari Where stories live. Discover now