Vol. 3, Chapter 15- Aftermath

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Denki's POV

A heavy silence draped over the graveyard, shattered only by the mournful wind rustling through the leaves. Today marked the solemn farewell to Koji, Rikido, Mezo, and Endeavor.

The families of my fallen classmates were shattered. Palpable grief hung in the air, an oppressive weight that seemed to pull down the very atmosphere. Each choked sob, every whispered word of farewell, pierced through my heart like a shard of ice.

Endeavor's ashes rested in a simple urn.

The families openly expressed their sorrow, tears echoing the profound loss we all felt.

The weight of their deaths cast a dark shadow over UA, leading to the unfortunate cancellation of the sports festival. Its postponement by three months served as a stark reminder of the tragedy that had befallen us.

On top of everything, UA faced relentless criticism and backlash in the aftermath of the deaths. Nezu, doing his best, took on the daunting task of addressing the numerous questions and concerns thrown their way.

I turned to Shoto, who had been silent throughout the funeral.

In an attempt to offer comfort, I gently touched his shoulder, wrapped my hand around his, and rested my head on his shoulder.

Shoto looked at me, his eyes reflecting gratitude for the silent support.

I promised myself that I would take action against the villains.

I don't want this tragedy to happen again.

All for One, you better watch out.

Shoto's POV

Endeavor, my father, and three of my classmates are gone.

I'm left grappling with a mix of emotions.

I was never able to get close to my deceased classmates, which is sad.

My father subjected me and my family to abuse during my younger days.

Yet, he's gone now, without the chance to make amends.

When I faced off against him as a Nomu, one punch was all it took to knock me out. Memories flooded back – the days of brutal training that left me unconscious, courtesy of him.

Despite Raiden's and Touya's support, I still felt weak, as if nothing had changed.

Then, I sensed Denki gently touching my shoulder, wrapping their hands around mine, and resting their head on my shoulder.

Denki... strong, reliable, caring, and smart. Honestly, he's almost a perfect boyfriend.

The thought of tragedy striking him was unbearable.

Determination welled up within me – I needed to get stronger, to protect those I care about.

Bakugou's POV

At the funeral, I couldn't stop thinking: Why was I so weak?

Back in the USJ, if I had beaten that Angel Bastard, maybe I could've saved everyone. They were stuck in the Downpour Area, the same place I was duking it out with the damn Angel Bastard.

But my attacks were useless against his wings, and he nearly took me out. Frustrating as hell.

Suddenly, someone touched my back. It was Izuku, trying to comfort me.

Izuku was always there, saving me countless times. The guy I used to taunt for lacking powers turned out to be far stronger than me. It's not even close.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2023 ⏰

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