Vol. 1, Chapter 14.5- Weekend Shenanigans

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The morning sun bathed the Kaminari household in a warm, golden glow as Saturday arrived with a sense of leisure and freedom. The air was filled with the melodious chorus of birdsong, adding a touch of serenity to the bustling city streets below.

In the backyard of the Kaminari residence, Tenko, Touya, and Denki engaged in a spirited game of tag, their laughter echoing through the air. Denki, always full of energy, darted away from Tenko, playfully declaring, "Tag! You're it, Tenko-Nii!"

"Aww, man!" Tenko exclaimed, a mix of mock disappointment and determination evident in his voice. His sights then shifted to Touya, who stood catching his breath after a strenuous chase.

Seizing the opportunity, Tenko decided to pursue Touya next. "Hehehe! Come here, Touya!" he called out, his hands reaching out eagerly.

Touya, ever nimble and quick-witted, sidestepped Tenko's advance with ease. "Pfft! You have to do better than that to catch me, Tenko!" he teased, a mischievous tone coloring his words as he skillfully evaded Tenko's grasp.

Undeterred by Touya's taunts, Tenko's determination burned brighter. "Why you!" he exclaimed, his competitive spirit driving him to continue the pursuit.

Meanwhile, Shiina and Raiden stood nearby, tending to the grill where the savory aroma of barbecued food filled the air. They watched the children's playful antics with amusement, enjoying the sight of their energetic game of tag.

Curious about the origins of the game, let's rewind a bit. Denki had suggested playing tag to improve his speed, endurance, and agility, an endeavor to boost his physical capabilities. Eager for some fun, both Tenko and Touya readily accepted the challenge, their desire for enjoyment surpassing any exhaustion they might have felt.

With the stage set and the game in motion, Shiina and Raiden decided to prepare some delicious barbecues, fully embracing the joyful atmosphere of the morning.

Back in the game, the chase continued. Tenko managed to tag Touya, his victory evident in the exultant expression on his face, before swiftly darting away to avoid being caught in return. As the game progressed, Touya spotted Denki, a glimmer of mischief in his eyes as he formulated a plan.

Smirking confidently, Touya set his sights on Denki, anticipating an easy victory. Denki, perceptive as ever, noticed Touya's smirk and readied himself, knowing that Touya was coming after him.

With determination and agility, Touya swiftly closed the gap, his height advantage giving him an edge. Denki, quick on his feet, spotted Tenko up ahead and made a split-second decision. He altered his course, veering towards his brother, hoping that Touya would redirect his pursuit towards Tenko instead.

Tenko's eyes widened as he saw Denki and Touya approaching, their presence startling him into action. Without hesitation, he joined the race, desperately trying to keep himself ahead.

"Denki... why are you... running... after me?!" Tenko managed to gasp out between breaths, his voice filled with a mix of confusion and determination. He continued to push himself, relying on his instincts to outrun his pursuers.

As the game unfolded, the System chimed in, delivering a timely notification. <<System Notice: Your Speed, Agility, and Endurance stats have increased by 3 points each! You have received 9 APs.>> Denki couldn't help but grin, elated by the progress he had made.

With laughter echoing, the game of tag continued, the Kaminari household filled with the joyous sounds of family bonding and friendly competition on this bright and promising Saturday morning.


One Hour Later

<<System Notice: Your Speed, Agility, and Endurance stats have increased by 3 points each! You have received 9 APs.>>

Charged Reincarnation/Reincarnated as Denki Kaminari Where stories live. Discover now