The night Will Byers went missing

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*ring ring*

"Helloo? I answered, leaning my elbows on the table as I sat eating my breakfast.

"Ms Byers! Is everything alright?" I noticed her voice was shaky and the pace was fast.

"Uh-huh" I nodded, spotting Dustin as he walked into the room. With my head I indicated him to come and sit next to me.

"Did you cycle home with Will last night?" I whispered to him lifting my eye brows.

"Yes why? Is everything alri-"

"Did anything strange happen? My words interrupted his, staring into his eyes.

"No why?" He questioned, and continued to repeat as I slowly apologised to Joyce and slammed the phone down.

Walking through the house with Dustin trailing at my side I said goodbye to our mum and he slammed the door behind us.


"Talk to me!" Dustin whined, as we drove to school. His feet swinging in the foot space.

"Just... check on Will today okay? His mum thinks he's... sick." The lies trembled out of my mouth, but I was not going to let him notice.

"Okay" Dustin shrugged. Already waving to one of his friends, the one who I knew as Lucas.

He jumped out the car and waved to me but I was already on my way out the gate to Hawkins high school.


"He climbed through my window y/n!" Nancy squeaked, looking down at her feet, her face burning up.

"So? What else?"

"Well he insisted he was there to help me study for my test today, but then he started kissing me."

"And that's bad, why?" I asked, tapping my fingers on the steering wheel.

"Ugh!" She grunted "You don't understand!"

"Clearly not" I mumbled, turning into the nearest parking spot and pulling the handbrake.

I listened as I heard her and her heels clack into the distance. She never wore heels.
They must be...

"For Steve?" A voice mumbled, climbing out of my car and back to my normal height I was greeted with Jonathan.

"Mhm" my voice came out smaller than I expected.

Walking to the double doors I linked my arm in his and began to reassure him, he was really worried about his brother.


We made our way to a notice board where he began pinning up a missing poster.

"He'll be okay y'know?" I told him, but it sounded more like a question. "He's a smart kid."

"Sorry y/n, I'm just stressed" Nancy chirped making her way up to us.

"It's fine, really, also-"

"Hey" she spoke. Looking deep into Jonathan's eyes.


An isolating silence lingered in the air. Gosh Nance never knew how to talk to him.

In attempt to change the subject I began.

"Tell your mum I can help with any-"

I was interrupted.

By Steve.

"Hey Nance!" He shouted, glancing up and down at Jonathan.

"I hope you find him" She said quickly before running back to Steve.

I patted Jonathan on the back before spinning on my heels and following Nance.

"You don't need them Nance, you're gonna do great!" He teased lifting her study cards above her reach, giving her a slight peck on the lips.

Tommy and Carol raised their eyebrows.

"Plus if not, you can let it out at the party tonight." He winked.

"Its Tuesday"... Barb spoke up.
I hadn't even realised she was there.

According to the look on their faces neither had the others until Tommy turned and faced her.

Followed by Carol piping up in a squeaky voice.
"Its Tuesday.."


"My parents..." Nance whispered to the boy. Expecting sympathy, but instead she was given one of "his" looks.

Alright fine I'll be there" Nance sighed, which soon turned into a low whisper as Steve pulled her into a long kiss.

"What about you two?" Tommy glanced towards me and Barb.

"Nahh,  it's Steve's party." I replied, squinting at him like he'd told me a bad joke.

"No you should come" Steve insisted turning to me.

"Alright" I said sarcastically widening my eyes and locking up my locker brushing past Steve as I made my way to first period.

The feeling. Every time I came near Steve I felt it. It was a sort of fluttering in my stomach. I was scared that I knew what it was, but kept blaming it on something else. I can't hes Steve... He's Nancy's boyfriend.

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