Billy VS Steve

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"Oh shit, listen dude" Steve began but before he could finish Billy shoved him to the ground. He then began kicking him. Hard.
I gasped and stormed towards the kids "AWAY FROM THE DAMN WINDOWS!!" They all scrambled away and huddled in the kitchen doorway out of the way. "Are you guys kidding me you had one job!" I shouted.

"Sorry?" Dustin spoke back.
I rolled my eyes and heard a crash. As I turned back to the door Billy slammed it open dragging Steve by the scruff of his neck.

"Well well well" Billy said, as he spotted Max and the others. He threw Steve against the wall and stormed over to the kids.

"Steve!" I rushed over to him and crouched down beside him. "Steve are you okay?" I held his wrist in my hand and rubbed it with my thumb.

"Yea.." he mumbled looking up to my eyes and attempting a smile. "Oh shit!" He looked behind me, I turned my head to see Billy grabbing Lucas and pinning him up against a bookshelf.

I got up and ran over, Steve slowly getting up from behind me.
"BILLY!" I yell, I grab his jacket and pull him away from Lucas shoving him the other direction. This barely bothers him though as he pushes me away grunting.


"No you are"He snarled, throwing a punch to Billy's face. He stumbled back and Lucas ran from his grasp. He ran to the kids and was drowned in hugs. I made sure Billy was still down and ran over to the kids.

"Lucas are you okay??!" I worried, rubbing his shoulder checking his face for any damage. He nodded quickly before sinking back behind the rest of the kids. I could hear Billy laughing and turned my head, his nose was slightly trickling a shiny red colour.

"I've been waiting to meet this King Steve everyone has been telling me so much about!"He raised his voice stumbling closer to Steve again.

"Get. Out" Steve hissed slowly ,pushing Billy's chest, his cold fingers leaving light marks on his chest. I was still standing infront of the kids with my fists clenched and my knuckles aching. Billy threw yet another punch to Steve but he doged giving Steve the opportunity to throw a heavy punch at Billy's face. Billy grunted and bent over with his hands on his knees, taking a second to regain his breath. Steve shooed the children further out of the way, I saw Billy come up behind Steve.

"Steve watch out!" Dustin yelled but it was too late.
I pushed Steve out of the way and took Billy's sloppy hit to my face. It burned and tingled at the same time and I felt my heart pounding all through my body.Steve spotted what happened and his eyes glinted with anger, he pulled my waist, shoving me behind him.

"Kick his ass Steve!" Dustin yelled. 

"Get him!" Lucas shouted. 

Steve thrust Billy into a kitchen counter as he manically laughed, Billy lifted one of the Byers' plates and violently smashed it over Steve's head. Steve stumbled back crashing into the chairs surrounding the dinner table.

"Steve!" I yelled, watching him crash into the furniture, clutching the top of his head. Billy then stormed towards him, grabbing the neck of his jacket and pushing him out of the room thumping him to the floor. He began kicking everywhere from the side of his legs to his head. 

"BILLY STOP!" The kids screamed.


He ignored us and continued to kick Steve's now unconscious body. I stared at him, tears pricking in my eyes. Angry tears. I couldn't cry, not now. All of a sudden I saw Max rushing towards Billy with one of Will's needles in her hand. She raised her hand in a stabbing motion and roughly stabbed Billy in the neck. I stood back as he turned away from Steve to face us.

"What the hell is this?! You little shit what did you do!?" He slurred to Max who was still clenching the needle. She took her spare hand and with all her might pushed her brothers drugged body to the floor with a loud thump. 

The boys mumbled and whispered from behind me, she rushed to the kitchen behind us quickly coming back with Steve's- well my bat- in her hands. She stood over Billy, who had trouble tilting his head to look up at her. 

"From now on you leave me and my friends alone, understand?!" She screamed at him. He tried to mumble something back but she interrupted him. She stabbed the ground with the bat right between his legs causing him to flinch. "SAY YOU UNDERSTAND!" She screamed even louder than before. 

"I undertsan-" Was all he could say before his head collapsed to the floor beneath him. His eyes snapped shut.

"Crap.." I mumbled, running over to Steve. The warm tears in my eyes slowly ran down my face. "Cmon Steve. Steve c'mon!!!" I lightly tapped his face. I put his head onto my lap and stroked his forehead. His face was covered in blood and bruises but still looked... perfect.

"Is he ok?" Mike asked.

"Uh..." My voice cracked, the saliva built up in my throat making my words harder to get out. "Get me a damp towel" I sniffed. 

"Got it." 

Mike handed it to me, and I lightly dabbed Steve's cuts. My fingers were shaking as I stared at his lifeless eyes. "Come on Steve!" I whispered, my heart ached seeing him like this.

The kids were surrounding Billy's body when Max stood up with his keys. "Lets get out of here." 

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