The spy

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"Cmon guys!" Dustin announced storming into the room.

I sat up quickly, leaning myself away from Steve and got up to follow Dustin, Steve close behind me. He lead us out to the shed and thrust some materials into our hands. 

"Cover the whole thing alright?" He said.

"What why?" Steve shouted after him, but he had already disappeared inside. He sighed and handed me a few things. "You do tape".

I nodded and pulled out a chair to reach the roof. We worked in silence for a while, partly wondering where everyone else was but after a while neither of us could take it anymore.

"Thank you" I burst out.

"huh?" Steve looked up from below me. 

I leaned over my arm that was against the wall and looked down to him.

"For calling me pretty" I said, maintaining eye contact even though I was well aware of the blush that crept across my face.

"Oh" Steve smirked and opened his mouth to say something. He stopped and turned to face the wall as Nancy walked into the shed. I followed his lead and continued to tape sheets against the walls.

"Uh Steve they need you to help them shift some stuff. I can help y/n" Nancy said nodding to us.

He nodded and walked out towards the house, Nancy took his place below me and continued to work. 

"Nothings going on with you guys then" She said, looking at me with a slight smirk.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I replied, a smile tugging at the corner of my lips, taping one last piece and stepping off the chair. I came face to face with her and was greeted by a soft smile.

"It's ok if there is y'know" 

"Nancy! Nothings going on..." I argued trailing off near the end of my sentence.

"Okay okay" She defended, "but I mean it, me and Steve just... don't fit."

I sighed and laughed a bit before laying the last sheet on the floor and following her back inside. We passed Hopper and Joyce carrying Will out to the shed whilst Jonathan followed swiftly behind them. I turned to find Nancy but she had disappeared. 

I hurried into the kitchen and sat at the table with my brother and the other kids.

"You alright?" I asked Dustin, he was zoned out staring to the closed shed doors.

"I'm sorry for keeping Dart" he looked up to me with hurt in his eyes.

"Oh Dustin" I said bringing him into a small side hug. Unexpectedly though, he burried his head into my shoulder and stayed there. I brought my other arm around his back held it there. The brass door handle slammed down and Steve walked inside, shutting the door behind him and sitting on a chair beside me.
Dustin noticed this and looked up to him.

"It'll be okay man" Steve assured him.

Dustin nodded and walked off to Lucas.

I sharply exhaled and threw my head down behind me onto Steve's shoulder but not for long as Hopper burst into the room slamming a piece of paper down infront of us.

"He's talking, but not with words" he announced, writing down a bunch of dots and dashes.

"What is that?" Steve asked. Tilting his head to look at it from another angle.

"Morse code Steve" Mike told him, rolling his eyes.

Steve held his hands up in defence.

"Someone get the stereo from Jonathan's room" Joyce said, emerging from the back door.

"On it" I jumped up and ran along the hallway.
Jonathan's door was creaky and after I swung it open the horrible noise followed. It smelt like dust, I quickly made my way round the end of his bed and pulled the stereo into my arms.

"Thank you" Joyce said, giving me a slight smile before hurrying back out the door.

Mike was now sat in my seat with his walkie talkie propped on the table infront of him.8

"Dash, dot, dash, dot" Dustin repeated to Mike, as he traces out the symbols with a red crayon.
Their fingers ran down a Morse code guide until all the letters had been filled.

"C L O S E" The kids called out.

Jonathan came through the door. "Okay boys any memories you've got for Will would be great" he nodded. Lucas, Dustin and Mike all piled out the door leaving me, Steve and Max to figure out the code.
The walkie talkie remained quiet for a few minutes until a large selection of dashes and dots were sent through.

Steve traced his fingers over the guide and I scribbled down the symbols until...

"G A T E. Close gate!" The three of us exclaimed. We high fived each other but were disrupted when the phone rang.

"Shoot" Steve ran over to the phone and hung it up.

"Do you think he heard that?" Max worried.

"It's just a phone, it could be anywhere right?" Steve questioned.

I was about to nod but we all heard a loud howling in the distance. It was Infront of the house. We all widened our eyes.

"That's not good."

Hopper, Joyce, Jonathan and Nancy all burst through the door behind the boys. 

"HEY! GET AWAY FROM THE WINDOWS" Hopper yelled. Steve pulled me into the centre of the room and he picked up his bat. I found the hockey stick I had left at the Byers and grabbed it.

"Do you know how to use this?" Hopper asked Jonathan. He began to stutter.

"I can" Nancy declared, catching the gun when he threw it to her.

Me and Steve stood infront of the kids back to back with our heads facing the front of the house. Everyone stayed deadly quiet as we listened to the screeching noises.

Suddenly, an object smashed through the front window, causing us all to jump away. One of Steve's arms lept from his bat to my arm, slightly pushing me behind him.

"Is it dead?" Lucas yelled.

"It better be" I said, nudging closer towards it to get a better look.

Then, we all turned to see the lock slowly sliding and unclicking. I held my breath and buried my head into Steve's chest. The door creaked open and the candlestick that Mike was holding behind me, fell to the floor.

"Eleven" Mike gasped.

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