The tunnels

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The kids started moving around, each of them searching for any kinds of protective gear such as: goggles, bandannas and hats. I grabbed Steve's bag and the bat and slung him up around my shoulder.

"Alright lets go" I said, following Max out the door to Billy's black car. I laid Steve down on the smooth seats and helped load the stuff into the car around him. My head was still screaming from the punch I had taken and my eyes were aching as they tried their best to stay open. I walked to the drivers door but saw Max was already there.

"Uhm, what do you think you're doing?" I asked.

"Have you seen the state of you, go rest in the back you'll crash if you drive us."

I sighed. Mike and Dustin sat on the back seats under Steve's legs, leaving a seat for me under his head. I squeezed in and shut the door. Dustin was in the middle and Mike on the far side with a can of gasoline between his knees. The tires screeched as Max took off, I wasn't very keen on a whole ass child driving a car but I knew she was right. I looked down at Steve and continued to dab his cuts with a tissue from my pocket.

All the kids were arguing about directions so I rested my head against the window and combed my hands through Steve's hair. His face looked so peaceful yet in so much pain. I began to shut my eyes as Steve stirred underneath me.

"Nancy?" He asked, mumbling as he began to look up.

"No" I said bluntly.

His eyes opened further and he met my gaze. I quickly removed my hand from his hair and dropped it on his chest.

"Are you ok?" I asked, he began to sit up.

"NO no, stay down. You put up a good fight Steve but you lost alright" Dustin spoke, pushing Steve's head back down to my lap. He started to stir but obeyed.

"God Steve I thought you were gone" I admitted, whispering a little.

"You can't get rid of me that easily" He attempted a smirk and grabbed my hand and pulled it to his. His thumb drew shapes as he looked into my eyes. Suddenly his eyes went from relaxed to panicked. "Wait. Who's DRIVING?!" He yelled, finishing his own question as he jumped up and saw Max at the wheel. "PULL OVER!" He shouted, his voice wobbling.

"Steve its ok-"

"I said pull over" he screamed. He thrashed around a bit. After the car failed to stop he mumbled, "This is such a bad idea"

"Its fine!" Max piped. She yanked the steering wheel and we turned into the field, crashing the gate on the way through.She pulled the car into park and got out. The rest of us followed leaving Steve and me in the car.

"Ok you stay here Steve we wont be too long." I said, sliding out from under him.

"are you crazy? I'm coming with you." He declared, trying his best to get up but failing.

"Really?" I smirked, holding out both of my hands for him to grab. He grunted but took them and grabbed my waist once he let go.

"Woah, hands to yourself Mr" I chuckled as his face turned a light shade of pink. He shook it off by running his hands through his hair and leaned against the side of the car.

"What if I don't want to" He smirked.

I raised my eyebrows and turned back round to face him. "Excuse me!?" I giggled, "You hurt your head real bad huh" I smiled.


"I need to help the kids ok?"

"Noo" He reached his hand out to try pull me back. I rolled my eyes and waved before leaving.


"Are you guys deaf or something?" Steve yelled to Dustin and Lucas.

"Steve!" I walked over to him, his eyes lighting up when I got to him. "We promised to keep the safe and that's exactly what I plan on doing. Whether you come or not, ok?" He seemed to be shocked on how stern I was being. He nodded and looked to the ground, he held onto my hand and walked along with me.

Lucas was bent down tying a rope so it hung down the hole and then, after Max hoisted himself down it. Dustin then followed after him, leaving me and Steve on ground.

"After you" Steve smiled, making way for me.

"You better not fall" I smiled back, shimmying myself down the rope. I jumped to the ground and adjusted my goggles. I looked around, checking where the kids were and then waited for Steve to jump down. After a few minutes there was a sigh and a loud thump as he jumped to the ground.

"Finally! Let's go!" Mike whined.

"No no no! Listen, if you any of u buttheads die down here me and Steve get the blame. We lead ok?" I shouted, pushing my way Infront of the kids dragging Steve's hand. Dustin rolled his eyes and Mike huffed but they soon followed. Max and Lucas hanging further behind.


We had been walking for a while now, and Steve seemed to be slowly drifting back to full consciousness. I could feel his slight anxiety in the atmosphere around us so decided to spark conversation.

"Wheeler we better be at your hub soon." I yelled back to him.

"Yea, I think so" he replied, pushing to the front. "Here."

Infront of us was a cave-like tunnel much wider than the others. It came to a dead end and there was a small patch of light gleaming in from the roof.

"Let's light it up" Max gleamed.

Me and Steve started spraying the far corners with gasoline as Max, Lucas, Dustin and Mike sprayed the floor and upper walls. After quite a while my arm started to ache so I stopped and leant against the wall. The worse bit of the smell had already passed so I could only faintly smell the gas. I closed my eyes and ran my hands down my face wiping the sweat off.

"We are in such deep shit" Steve said, leaning beside me fixing his hair.

"Mhm" I chuckled. I kept my eyes closed focusing on my breathing as I began to focus on what was actually happening. We were in real danger here.

"Oh my god we're going to die aren't we?" I muttered, my fingers shaking against my legs.

"No... I mean, if we do atleast I'm dying with you."

I felt my face go hot and looked towards him. "What's that supposed to mean?" I smiled lightly, tilting my head.

"You know what it means." He smirked, putting his hand on top of mine to stop it wobbling.

"I-" Steve began.

"GUYS CMON LETS LIGHT IT UP!!" We heard Dustin yell.

Steve jumped up and pulled me towards the kids, reaching to the lighter in his jean pocket.

"We are in such deep shit" I repeated before he flicked the lighter and threw it. A scorching strike of heat blared out and the air hit me like a slap to the face.

"RUN!" I heard someone yell.

We didn't need reminding. My legs were aching like hell but there was no way I was stopping. We ran and ran, none of us remembering how far away the exit was. Suddenly Dustin made a stop and began to hurry up the rope, then Max and Lucas and finally Mike. Whilst we waited for them we could gradually hear the echo of the demodogs approaching.

"Cmon go!!" Steve hurried. Grabbing me by the waist and pushing me up the rope.

"Steve no they're right there!! I'm not leaving you with them!"

"You have to!"


"Y/n go!" He looked back over his shoulder. We could both now clearly see the dogs. They were so close. Steve looked back at me with despair in his eyes. Without thinking I jumped back down and before I even hit the ground he grabbed me and pushed us out the way. His hands grabbed mine and wrapped round me, I felt the creatures running... Past us??

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