The fight

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As I walked down the school halls I couldn't find Nancy anywhere. She wasn't anywhere with Steve and his friends so the only place I could think of was the library.
Sure enough as I pushed open the doors I spotted her. With Jonathan?

"Nance!" I caught her attention.

"Oh, y/n! Sorry I was going to come find you this morning"

"Uhm yea it's fine, what are you guys doing?" I asked, looking over to Jonathan writing notes on a thick stack of papers.

"That's actually what I wanted to talk about..."


"WHAT?" I exclaimed, my voice breaking the silence throughout the room. "Sorry" I mumbled. "But what??"

"I know, I know it sounds crazy but it makes sense doesn't it?"

"What that you and your brother's best friends were both taken by some... Monster?"

"Mike and I talked about it" she explained, "he thinks they come from some parallel universe like ours. Which I don't know if I believe, but I'm willing to try"

"It took Will" Jonathan's voice said, "we can still save him" he stood up and shoved the papers into his bag.

"Look y/n, just meet us at Jonathan's house around 7:00?. We have a plan." Nancy pleaded, a desperate look in her eyes.

"Yea, okay fine" I replied before she walked off. My head was full of thoughts. A plan? What were we going to do? I'm not visiting a different dimension thankyou very much.

Thoughts like this lingered in my head until the end of the day when I was met by Steve in the carpark blocking the way to my car.

"Uhm, hey?" I asked .

"Why's Nancy hanging around with Jonathan?" He asked, scowling down at me and then over to where she was standing.

I sighed, "I don't know Steve, maybe you're being an ass?"

"What? How. I'm just worried about her, she shouldn't hang around him he's a creep!" He protested, leaning on my car door.

"He's not a creep!" I exclaimed, he raised his eyebrows at me.

"Yea, because taking photos of girls without them knowing is normal. Especially if they're half naked right?" He spoke sarcastically.

"Whatever" I huffed and nudged him out of the way, opening my car door and getting in.

"I'm serious y/n, he's weird."

I shut my door and drove past him hoping he would get over himself and not do anything stupid. I was wrong.

"How was school Hun?" My mother asked as I walked in.

"Yea it was fine, uhm can I go out with Nancy tonight? She's a bit upset."

"Does her mother know about it?" She asked.

"Yea I think so" I lied, looking around to see Dustin emerging from his room.

"You're back! Finally, can you take me to the arcade." He begged, squirming on the spot.

"Yea in a minu-" I said pushing him out of the way.

"You can go" Mom assured me, "You know your curfew"

"Thankyouuu" I called, signalling Dustin to the car.


After I dropped Dustin to the arcade I decided to take the long way round town. I didn't enjoy bejng at home anymore. I turned the corner near the old cinema when some bright red writing caught my eye.

*Film name* starring Nancy the slut wheeler.

I gasped and spotted Jonathan standing in the road. I pulled up beside him.

"What happened?" I rushed my words.

He shrugged but pointed to Nancy walking down an alleyway to which we both followed in her steps.

"Aww hey Princess" Carol's voice echoed.

"What did you do" I heard Nancy shout, heading towards... STEVE.

I rolled my eyes and realised that he always did something stupid in situations like these. I walked over to Nancy just as she threw a slap to his face.

Tommy cheered and headed down the steps towards Jonathan, towering over him.

"Leave him alone" I glared at Tommy standing in the way of Jonathan. I hoped he wouldn't hit a girl.

"Stop protecting him y/n" Steve stated. "We both know he's not worth it"

"For the last time shut up." I yelled, obviously shocking him. "At least he's a decent person to apologize. You're the dick now aren't you." I told him, glaring straight into his eyes.

He and Nancy continued to argue about her and Jonathan before Steve moved onto him. Commenting on the Byers family and insulting them. After a while Jonathan had clearly had enough and threw a wild punch at Steve's face. Nancy yelled as they continued to fight throwing Jonathan to the ground.

"STEVE" me and Nancy yelled.

"Stop being such an ass!" I shouted to him. But before he could turn to answer a siren sounded. He and his friends turned and ran leaving the police on us.


I sat in the police room watching Nancy talking to an officer.

"Thanks for trying to save me back there y/n" he said chuckling.

"Yea no worries. None of what Steve said is true y'know" I faced him, looking up at him. "He's just a douche"

"Mhm" he mumbled, looking over to Nancy walking towards us.

I left them to talk

"I'll see you guys tonight alright?" I confirmed.

"Yea bye" they both replied. Nance holding a towel up to the wound on his head.


I was still pretty shaken up when I got back home, I assumed Dustin had been taken home by someone else so I took a nap. I was exhausted, I had never thought Steve would do something as bad as that.

I slumped out of bed at 6:30 and rushed to get ready. Nance had called to ask if I had any weapons? I was quite unsure but brought my old hockey stick and baseball bat.

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