Expanding the menu

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I could feel my heart beating through my chest as my heavy breathing began to calm down. Steve's  arm continued to rest on the brim of my shoulders as I rested my head down onto it. I felt his body jerk when he realised but he settled down again when I failed to look at him'' 

His other hand continued to flick a lighter, the small flame sparking every now and then. I could hear Lucas and Dustin lowly talking on the roof of the bus. I glanced over to Max, who was led out on the few seats that were left in the bus, her eyes focused on the small glow of the deserted street lamp outside. My peace was erupted when a  foot clanked onto the ladder and headed down. 

"How much longer man" Steve asked him, tilting his head.

"I don't know alright?" Dustin huffed.

"You guys have actually fought one of these things before?" Max piped up, walking and sitting down opposite me and Steve.

"Yea" I replied, as Steve nodded.

"And you're sure it wasn't a bear?" She questioned, her eyebrows raised.

"It wasn't a bear alright" Dustin's voice became agitated. "If you don't believe us why are you even here?" He snapped.

"Sheesh someones cranky, is it past your bedtime?" Max stood up and rolled her eyes. She looked up to the hole in the roof and began to climb the ladder. She earned a laugh from Steve before disappearing into the night.

"That's it man act like you don't care" 

"I don't!" 

Steve winked at Dustin.

"What are you doing? I don't care!" 

"Guys I've got eyes!" Lucas yelled from the top, him and Max rushing down into the bus. The five of us ran towards the wide window and peered out. The junkyard was covered in a low, pale mist that floated just above the ground, the single streetlight stood, it's gleam lowering and becoming dreary. The ground below its light was filled with emptiness until a jagged foot appeared and the creature announced itself with a ear-piercing screech.

"Alright just stay here" Steve said.



"Steve what the hell are you doing?" I said, my words coming out faster than expected. 

After a while of hesitation, he picked up the bat and looked up at me. "Expanding the menu" 

"What. No! You can't be serious!" I hustled, getting to my feet and grabbing his forearm.

He looked down into my eyes and held my hand. He dropped it and walked to the door.

"Steve!" Dustin yelled, but it was too late. He was out there, with it.

He swung the bat in his hands as he slowly approached the demogorgon. It's eyes didn't leave Steve as he crept up to it.

"He's crazy" Lucas said.

"Yea" Max agreed

"But hot..." I added.

I felt all of them look at me and realised what I had just said.

"But y'know" I let out a nervous chuckle.

"Anyway" Dustin replied. "Holy crap!" 

I looked out the window. Steve was now face to face with the growling creature. All of a sudden it launched at him and he whacked it out of the way. It was a race back to the bus, and the demogorgon was quick on Steve's tail.

"Steve! 3 o'clock!" Dutin suddenly yelled, to my horror yet another demogorgon was now charging towards him from the entrance to the bus. 

"Steve run!" I shrieked. I looked to the left and saw a demogorgon heading towards the bus. 

"Get down!" I shouted, pushing the kids to the back of the bus.

I started to use myself to shield them but the Demogorgan started banging on the entrance door, creating multiple dents. I rushed up to the door but before I got there I saw Steve, he was whacking the Demogorgan so harshly until his bat began to crack. He aggressively pushed past the body and slammed the door behind him.

"Holy shit" I heard Dustin screech behind me.

"Steve!" I exclaimed, I ran towards him and pulled him into a hug. "You almost died!"

"I didn't though, did I?" He smirked, as his breaths began to settle.

"We need to get out of here!" Lucas exclaimed standing up and pulling Max behind him

"We can't, they're still out there!" She argued.

"No" Steve spoke, I pulled away from him and leaned my body to peer out the small windows.

"They've gone?" Dustin said.

"But where"

"They're going somewhere..."

The Henderson Sister - Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now