The bench

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"It'll fit now" I heard Dustin say. I followed his voice into the kitchen.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked, stepping further into the kitchen. Steve and Dustin were crowded around the fridge, Steve holding a bundle of blankets in his arms.

"What is that?" I asked him, he looked down to me before slightly flopping a corner of the blanket down to reveal... A demodog.

"Oh my gosh, is that really necessary!?" I shouted to my brother.

"Yes it is ok! This is a ground breaking discovery. We are not just going to bury it like some common mammal. It's not a dog!"

"Well it kinda is..." Steve began.

"Alright, all right..." I sighed "But you're explaining this to Mrs Byers ok?"

I went behind Steve and helped him to push the back of the demodog into the fridge. He grunted as we struggled to get it in.
"Christ" he mumbled.
I huffed and gave one last push, and shoved the door shut pushing my back up against it. He let out a light chuckle and stood next to me leaning against the fridge door.


"Mike would you just quit it already!" Lucas yelled. I straightened my back from the fridge and began to walk over to the living room. All I could see was Mike pacing up and down.

"You weren't in there Lucas, the lab is swarming with hundreds of those dogs!"

"Demo dogs!" My brother spat.

"The chief will protect her!" Lucas reassured him.

Max scoffed, "Like she needs protecting" rolling her eyes. I looked over my shoulder to find Steve had appeared and was looking rather agitated. 

"Listen man" Steve said to Mike. "Bottom line is if a coach calls a play in a game, you execute it alright?"

"Okay first of all this isn't some stupid sports game!" Mike spat "And second, we're not even in the game we're on the bench!" 

I looked over to Steve to see his reaction. "Uh yea right so..Yea we're on the bench so there's nothing we can do" He huffed, us making eye contact for a while whilst he continued to think.

"Wellllll" Dustin began, "That's not entirely true. These demodogs have a hive mind."

"Right, when they ran away from the bus... They were called away!" Lucas agreed.

"So if we get their attention..." I said.

"We can draw them away from the lab and clear a path to the gate!" Max ranted.

"Yea and then we all die!" Steve raised his voice.

"That's only one point of view!" I argued with him. Getting closer to his face to stare him down.

"No it's not its a fact!" He said, staring right back at me.

"Hold on" Mike interrupted. Suddenly jumping up and walking down the hallway to the far wall. "This is where Hopper dug the hole right?" He exclaimed, jabbing his finger to the location in tunnel form, drawn with crayon. "And... and this, is like a hub or something" Running his finger along between the two places. "Maybe if we set this on fire..." 

"Yea that's a no!" Steve interrupted.

"Steve let him speak!" I nudged Steve's arm with my elbow, invested in Mike's plan. He smirked at me before going quiet.

"So yea if we set in on fire." Mike continued, looking to the other kids.

"Then the mind flayer would call his army to come and stop us!" Lucas began to catch on "and by the time they realise we're gone." 

"We can circle back to the exit!" Max joined in, a hopeful look appearing on her face.

"No, no, no, NO! Look, I promised I'd keep you shitheads safe and that's exactly what I plan on doing. We're staying here on the bench and waiting for everyone else to do their jobs. Understood!?" 

"This isn't a stupid sports game!" Mike whined.

"I said does everyone understand me!" Steve rudely interrupted, obviously frustrated. 

"But-" The kids each began to bicker.

"Guys!" I began, as I was cut off by the sound of a loud engine revving. Me and Max rushed to the window and peered outside from the side of the frame.

"It's my brother! He can't know I'm here. He'll kill me! He'll kill us!" She rushed her words, with a scared expression on her face.


"Crap" Steve mumbled.

"Okay okay stay away from the windows!" I told the kids as they huddled to the side of the room.

Steve made his way out the door and after double checking where the kids were, I followed him out and leant myself against the Byers' front door.

Billy got out of his car with a cigarette hanging from his mouth. "Am I dreaming or is that you Harrington?" He smirked and tilted his head.

"Yea it's me don't cream your pants" Steve snarked.

"And Henderson" Billy smirked, making slow painful eye contact with me. I heard Steve huff before standing infront of me to block his view whilst walking further towards Billy.

"What are you doing here amigo" Billy spoke, letting the smoke from his cigarette spill out of his mouth.

"I could ask you the same thing... Amigo" Steve hesitated for a second whilst he crossed his arms. 

"Looking for my step sister, a little birdie told me she was here." 

"Huh that's weird I don't know her"

I waited intensely, my vision constantly switching from staring at Steve and Billy listening intently.

"Small, redhead, bit of a bitch" Billy described Max. I squinted and rolled my eyes hurt from the disrespect he showed to his own family. 

"Doesn't ring a bell sorry buddy" Steve tilted his head.

"You know" Billy stepped forward almost an arm away from Steve. "I don't know. This whole situation is giving me the heebie jeebies."

"Oh yea why's that" 

"My 13 year old step sister goes missing all day, and then I find her with you in a strangers house. And you lie to me about it" His stare turned to a glare and he clenched his jaw. 

I bit my lip and shifted from foot to foot. I really didn't want this to turn out bad.

"Man were you dropped too much as a kid or something. What don't you understand. She's not here." 

"Then who is that" He almost whispered pointing towards the front window.

"Oh crap!" I shouted, all the kids had wound themself to the window and had been watching the whole thing.

The fight chapter is coming up next! Lmk if you guys like this story or not. :)

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