The Snow Ball

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It had been a few weeks since the whole "gate incident" and me and Steve had hung out a lot. We had been spending a lot of time with each other, and had actually become really close. We both remembered the conversation that had taken place but had both agreed to wait.I can't lie I didn't want to wait but I also knew it was for the best.

Me and Nancy were also more friendly now and she even invited me to help chaperone the middle school snow ball. I remember how magical mine seemed years ago so was actually kinda excited to help out. She told me I could invite a friend so of course I chose Steve.

I had an hour before the dance and was all ready to go. Dustin was sat by the door already waiting.

"Dustin, Steve's not going to be here for another hour" I laughed, sitting down beside him to put my heels on.

"I know" He smiled.

"Alright, see you there then" I hugged him before leaving.


Once I pulled up to the school I spotted Nancy and Jonathan through the glass doors. Jonathan stood hunched beside her in a suit, whilst she stuck decorations on the wall in her maroon dress.

I locked the car and walked inside.

"Heyy, sorry I'm a bit late" I announced, holding the box of bunting I had in the back of my car.

"Y/n finally! Come help me set up the punch section." Nancy smiled, taking my hand.
I thrust the box into Jonathan's arms and thanked him before running off with Nancy. She set out a glass bowl and ladle and I carefully poured in the fruity juice.

"So Jonathan?" I smirked.

"What?" Nancy asked, a slight blush creeping up her cheeks.

"Oh cmon Nancy, it's so obvious" I laughed, pushing the hair out my face into a butterfly clip sat in my hair.

She rolled her eyes but smiled. "Let's not talk about you and Steve" she teased. "How are you not together yet??"

"We agreed to take it slow..." I spoke, looking out the window, where eager children started to arrive.

"Just go for it, he's only waiting cause you are." She edged, nudging my elbow. I rolled my eyes and finished up stacking the cups before going back to Jonathan.


Everything had been set up and at 7:59 I turned on the radio, playing the most played songs this week.

Jonathan stood Infront of a backdrop with his camera and Nancy Infront of the punch stand, her and Jonathan making eyes across the room. I took my place at a desk Infront of the entrance and stared at the road outside.

A few minutes later a familiar maroon BMW pulled up and I glanced in the windows to see Dustin and Steve. I rushed out the doors to the car and stuck my head in the window.

"Hey! Dustin you look amazing." I announced, smiling as he finished his talk with Steve.

"Thanks y/n" he smiled, heading out the car towards the doors.

"Sorry I'm late, I had to give him a pep talk" Steve said, locking the car and walking in with me.

"It's fine, we just have to supervise and make sure noone dies." I laughed, he held the door for me as we walked in.

"Such a gentleman" I mocked.

"You know it." He chuckled, putting a hand on my lower back as he guided me through the crowd of children. We made it to the benches on the side of the room and sat down.

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