Halloween night

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"Thanks" I told Tina as she handed me a bright orange paper.

Science was the only lesson I had with Steve, as we were both failing badly. Science was one of the few subjects that I wasn't tutoring him for.

"You should go to this?" Leaning in towards me, Steve spoke through the loud corridor.

"Why, so I can embarrass myself?" I joked, reading the address on the flyer."Plus I'd have to wear something slutty, seeing as it's at Tina's"

"And that's bad why?" His eyes glinted in the light, yet his face turned to a slightly pink shade and he looked away.

"I-" my mouth widened as I attempted to hide my smile.

"I'm kidding, chill"

I smiled looking up at Steve's hair, spun around on my heels and headed to lunch.
I once again found myself sitting with Nancy, Steve and his friends. I wasn't overly pleased but I knew I didn't really have anyone else to sit near.

"It's still not gone away" Carol moaned, propping her foot onto the table.

"For the last time it's not frostbite" Tommy insisted, poking her foot with the handle of his spoon.

"I don't care what it is, get your foot off the table, some of us are trying to eat" Steve complained, giving me the side eye as I sat next to Nancy.

"Has this happened to you as well" Carol asked me, "I'm horrified" She complained, leaning on the table to talk to me.

"No" I chuckled, looking to the others. I caught Nancy looking out into the corridor but before I could see who it was she moved her head, blocking my view completely.

I'd become quite good friends with Carol over the past week, so I decided to bring up the party.

"Oh yea we're going" she answered, looking to Tommy beside her who nodded. "Besides that new Billy guy is going" she added, pretending to fan herself while Tommy wasn't looking.

I laughed at this before packing my stuff into my bag and leaving.


The evening rolled around soon enough and I found myself sat at home pondering on what to wear. I didn't want to be too slutty but on the other hand if I wasn't, someone would probably have a lot to say about it. In the end I settled on a plain red dress with an extremely high slit coming up the side. I paired it with my red converse and some homemade devil horns incase I needed or infact wanted to justify my costume.

Steve was supposed to be taking me but after 15 minutes of him not showing I decided to walk. My arms were covered in goosebumps and I instantly regretted not bringing some kind of jacket. Just before I could turn around I heard a screech of tires and a car pulled up beside me.

"Y/n!" Steve's voice yelled.

"Heyy" I said, climbing into the back seat with Nancy in front.

"Sorry we're late, I couldn't decide what to wear" Nancy justified.

"Don't worry" I assured, locking eyes with Steve in his driving mirror as we made our way.


The music could be heard from miles away and I began to grow unsure. What was I even going to do? Its not like Steve or Nancy were going to hang around with me. Plus the last time I'd gotten drunk things hadn't gone too well...

Steve held the door for me and as I walked through the strong smell of punch and alcohol filled my nostrils. Loud chanting came from one corner of the room, surrounded by a large crowd of people including Carol. It must be the new guy. I made my way through the bundles of people and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Hey Carol"I smiled.

"Oh my- heyyyy, you look so good!" She commented, the glint in her eyes showing she looked surprised.

"So do you!" I implied, pointing at her new heels.

She grabbed my arm and pulled me to the front of the crowd. There was the new guy. He was quite attractive but his attitude put me off him quite a lot. He winked at me and licked his licks as he looked me up and down. I felt uncomfortable and violated. 

"Oh my gosh he's looking at you!" Carol screeched. Trying to get into his viewline as he continued to stare at me and the low neckline of my dress.

"Uhm yea-" I replied my voice breaking. "I'm going to the bathroom" 


I pushed through people feeling tears coming to my eyes, but I heard someone running up behind me. I felt a hand on my ass and one on my shoulder. 

"Hey watch it" I raised my voice, throwing an elbow behind me.

"Oh darling don't do that" Billy said.

"Don't call me that" I mumbled opening the bathroom door, attempting to shut it in his face, but his hand reached through and shut it behind him. He guided me against a wall and pinned me against it his face inches away from mine. His hand placed on my waist started to make its way down my leg.

"BILLY STOP!"I cried, kneeing him in his groin, flinging open the door and rushing out. I didn't know where to go. I knew I couldn't leave until Steve and Nancy did. I stormed out the door towards Steve's car, and sat on the roof, my feet on the bonnet. I held my head in my hands and sobbed. I looked pathetic I'm sure but I didn't care. My makeup was surely ruined and I continued to cry into my arms. I rested my head on my knees and sighed.

I jolted my head as I heard yelling and saw Steve walking towards his car. Fast but his head down.

"Oh, wait whats wrong" He asked, noticing me.

"Billy was touching me" I mumbled between hiccups caused by my sobs.

"What?" He stressed, looking around. "He, what?"He said storming back into the house.

"Steve!" I yelled close on his tail.

I followed his hair through the crowds until we both came face to face with Billy. 

"Ah, I knew you'd come back sugar" Billy remarked walking up to me.

"Leave her alone" Steve growled down to him, standing in between me and Billy.

"Who are you, her boyfriend?" He snarled

"No" I said



I can't remember how but Steve and Billy ended up fighting. Of course. I ended up dragging Steve out.

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