The Demogorgan

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I pulled up outside Jonathan's house ,noticing his mothers car wasn't there. I held my weapons and used my elbow to ring the bell, it's out of tune chime ringing throughout the house. I looked behind me and was startled by the door swinging open and a hand pulling me in.

My eyes widened as I was told the plan, and I scanned the room, seeing traps and cans of fuel everywhere.

"Is this legal?" I squeaked up, my voice turning high due to my nerves.

"Not that I know" Jonathan said, snatching the bat from my hands and hammering nails into it.
I leant my hockey stick across the two walls creating a barrier between us and wills room. Everything was ready.

"You don't have to do this y'know" Jonathan told us, we were all huddled together holding small blades to our palms.

"On the count of three" Nancy declared, ignoring his worries.




My hand stung as blood started to flow out of it. Nance ran to get bandages and I clutched my hand, wincing as the wound throbbed. I began wrapping the material around my hand when I was startled by banging at the front door.

"Jonathan" A voice bellowed. "I just wanna talk man, I'm sorry"
It was Steve.

We all stood still. Not knowing what to do, we all stared at each other but Steve showed no sign of quitting. Soon enough Nancy stormed towards the door and opened it enough to just see his face. I could hear Steve's voice become faster with worry and saw Nancy struggling keeping the door back. She wasn't strong enough and it flew open. He stared into my eyes, then around the room, then to Jonathan and then back to me.

"Woah what the hell, what's going on,
y/n???" He repeated, his face displaying his emotions.

"Steve you need to leave!" I shouted, as he came towards me I pushed him back toward the door. Jonathan joined me.

"Steve we're not asking we're telling"

Steve looked down to my hand on his chest.

"Did he do this to you?" He grabbed my hand, poking the bandage with his thumb.

"No!"I shouted.

"STEVE GET OUT" I spun around to see Nancy aiming a gun at Steve.

"Woah! Nancy. NANCY STOP" he cried.

"Nance" I said lowly leaning down to the table and grabbing the bat.

She ignored me and continued using the gun to threaten Steve.

"NANCY" Jonathan yelled, pointing towards the lights. "Its here"

"WHAT, WHATS HERE?" Steve panicked, adrenaline rushing throughout his body as he grabbed my arm.

I tugged out of his grasp and pulled my bat up to my neck ready to swing it.
The ceiling collapsed. The lights flickered on and off. An ear piercing screech shattered the glass and created a ringing in my ears. The creature emerged from the ceiling, stretching out of a gooey substance.

"STEVE GO" I screamed. I think the fear in my eyes convinced him because before I knew it he swung open the door and ran out.  Nancy began firing bullets at the creature but it didn't seem to do anything, and it violently fell to the floor. We stepped back and I saw it lunge for Jonathan.

I pushed him out of the way and- as hard as I could-  swung the bag right at its face. It roared and rushed back. I swung again repeatedly hitting it until I felt pressure. It grabbed the bat in its mouth and threw it aside. More bullets were fired but it wasn't enough. It forced me down to the ground and lead above me. The drool from its mouth edging closer and closer to my face.

"Y/N!" I heard voices scream.

I squeezed my eyes closed and held my breath.

"AHHH" a voice yelled, the monster turned it's head and was pushed out of the way.

"STEVE?" Jonathan shouted.

I looked up and saw Steve. He just saved my life... He quickly pulled me up and I tugged him to Will's room after Jonathan.

I sat in silence while Jonathan and Nancy talked. My breaths were heavy and I couldn't keep my eyes focused.

"Hey it's okay" a voice said, I felt an arm around my shoulder as Steve sat down beside me.

"You saved me-" I began, I looked up into his eyes. His face covered in dried blood but still somehow... Perfect?

"No, no" he shook his head looking into my eyes too.


"Where is it?" I heard someone panic. Nancy's head peered round the doorframe.
"Its not there "


Her and Jonathan creeped out to investigate while I stood up and searched for my bat.
"Oh- here" Steve stuttered, handing me the safe end of the bat. "This is pretty badass you know?"

I chuckled "yea" a smile breaking through.

"GUYS" Jonathan shouted.

We ran out, our eyes set upon the Demogorgan infront of the two. It headed towards me and Steve.

"LIGHT IT " I yelled. I heard the flick of a lighter and the trail of fire rushed towards the Demogorgan. But towards us too. It was so close... Until.
Two firm hands around my waist yanked me back into the room slamming the door behind us. His back against the door towering over me to protect me. My heart beat fast and I could feel his heartbeat also against my back. I put my hands ontop of his and closed my eyes.

We heard it screech and claw against the door. I was still in Steve's arms when the awful sounds came to a stop. As Steve turned me around I could feel the heat through the door, as the monster burned. I took a few steps back making my way to Steve's side. I slowly reached my hand down and slid it into his. Although I could tell he was confused and wanted to question it, he kept quiet and held my hand tightly.

"Y/n, Steve?" Nancy came through the door, craning her neck.

I quickly dropped Steve's hand and bent down to pick up the bat. I obviously wasn't quick enough though as she looked up and down at us both before waving us to follow her. As I came back up I could feel Steve eyeing me and my cheeks heated up as I walked out the room to Nancy and Jonathan. 

All of us were pretty shaken up about the experience and we ended up all spread across the Byers' lounge. I was lead at the edge of the couch next to Steve, Jonathan and Nancy on the other across the room. I don't remember when but during the night I woke up, my head had been resting on Steve's chest. I quietly got up and headed to my car. It was hours after my curfew and I knew I was in for it when I got home.

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