Chapter 1 - Early Morning Wake-up Call

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"Ruby! Get up! Get up! Get up!" I jump, freak the heck out and grab the first thing I saw, which so happens to be a blunt pencil. I look up to see Thea looking at me like I've lost my marbles, which technically I have. "Ruby, calm your farm, I woke you so we could train." I scowl, "But whyyyy? It's not like Estella is here!" Thea gives me a stern look, " Well we better be ready for something to happen, she's just gone missing." My eyebrows shoot up. Estella? Missing? That can't be right! She always puts up a fight.. even for the last bowl of Nutri-Grain. "How do you know?" I ask with a knot of concern in my voice. Thea replies with a serious voice, her purple eyes burning into mine, "Uncle Stone just sent us a letter, and it said that she was standing in front of him and then he was knocked out. When he came to, all he could remember was a blonde boy with Ese." I blink, "Well crap! Okay fine, I'll train, but I expect breakfast first!" Thea rolls her eyes at me and walks out of my room to the kitchen and throws a "whatever little sis" over her shoulder. I close the door and let out a sigh. I move to my dresser to grab my black jeans and sweater. I comb out the knots in my hair and attempt to plait it. My fingers keep shaking from worrying about Estella. Stop worrying Ruby! This is Estella we're talking about! This is the girl who broke my wrist in three different place when we were five. This is the girl who taught me to be on guard and who also taught me to fight in a matter of lessons, surely she can take care of her self? I hear Thea call from the kitchen that brekkie is ready. I stop trying to plait my shoulder length hair and grab the pencil that I was going to attack Thea with. I sit it next to my workbook with all my doodles and sketches in it. I walk out of my room and to the kitchen always thinking of the many sketches that pencil has drawn of the mysterious dark knight that haunts my dreams.

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