Chapter 22 - Take On The World

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Again another horrendously long chapter... Some sentences are in Spanish, part of Ruby's heritage, don't be afraid to google it 😊

I tossed as turned all night, waking up several times to get a drink of water. Eventually I managed to get a solid 3 hours sleep.

The next morning I woke to the smell of food. I flopped out of bed and tied back my hair, well, as much as I could. Kira had made breakfast. Bacon and eggs, thank the lord!

She put the plate on the bench, and the horde of people already surrounding the table dug in. I walked over, muttering in Spanish. "Odio a todos..."

Harley turned, mouth partially full as he said, " Oi, Dora, when you're finished speaking gibberish, come and eat." I death stared and sat down, and began eating.

Soon, we were all done. Harley stood with a grim look on his face. "Listen up guys, we have intel on The Crime Lords. Thea and I found Wills' new base last night during our patrol."

Thea, strangely enthusiastic, jumped to her feet and said excitedly, "Not only that, but we eavesdropped on his plan."

I thought back to last night, this must have happened when I was being sat on by the unarmored Shadow Knight. I could have taken him, if only I had had my ninja stars.

I appeared to be focusing on the others, while in reality, I was thinking back to what he had said. I still love you Ruby. Did he really, though? I wasn't sure if I was to believe anything that he said, but everything he said seemed so believable.

Everyone demanded to know what had happened, and Harley explained. Tristan wasn't happy, as apparently everything he said was stuff we already knew. Thea nodded grimly, "The Crime Lords won't be the only team at this party.

Everyone took the news badly, especially the former Crime Lords. There was an uproar, and Joel banged the table with his fist. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it, and was rewarded with a soft squeeze back.

Estella looked at us all, "We have to fight. If Wills gets his way, my father will be killed . We're criminals, yes, but our homes and families are in jeopardy. That's something even we care about." Most of my family is gone. I felt a squeeze of my hand again. I looked up at Joel, who gave me a half-hearted smile, almost like he knew what I was feeling.

He turned back to the other, "The Samurai are our arch enemies and Wills is a traitor. We each have a personal reason to be involved in this fight."

There was a murmur of agreement, but the rest was a blur, until Harley told us that we'd need to split into groups.

Thea and I shot each other a meaningful look, "I suppose you and I will handle The Samurai then, sis," Thea said, raring for a fight.

Harley cleared his throat, "If I may, there are three members of The Samurai, so it might be a good idea if three of us face them."

And with that, Joel draped an arm over my shoulders and said, "Count me in then. Sure, I'd rather put an arrow through Wills, but I guess it's better than nothing. Besides, I've been waiting to use these fancy arrows for a long time." He removed a red-tipped arrow from his quiver.

From there we were all divided into our groups, corresponding with the opposing party members.

Harley leaned his head on Estella's, "Our children are growing up, Tweety."

Well then.


We trained for what seemed like forever, what was really only 2 days.

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