Chapter 8 - The Shadow Court

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I am still running as I come up to a wall of mist. I skid and kick up dirt and soft mud. I push through the wall and continue walking straight for what seems like forever. I know the guy who took my life away from me is near, I feel in my gut. The wall feels like it won't end until I eventually run into a clearing. I see a door made of what looks to be cherrywood. I push the door open and walk in. It feels warmed in here, like there is a fire burning. I walk down the corridor silently until I see a door that is ajar. I hear voices emanating from within and creep in. I sneak into a spot where the shadows are the most thickest, behind an obsidian throne. I listen in to the conversation again, "You were meant to bring me the girl months ago. Now, my more reliable sources have found that she is going to visit her old allies tomorrow! This will be your last chance, Knight, for your team to prove themselves, before I send my Queen to do your job for you. Because apparently I can't rely on you, all I want is intel. Tell me something I don't know about her. You are fully aware that I must have two." Knight? As in MY Shadow Knight? It can't be! I stiffen as I feel a pair of eyes on me. I look over the shoulder to see Callum looking at me. The sorrow in his eyes makes me what to cry. I continue to examine the room I am in. I see a man on the throne I am hiding behind. My stomach begins to churn, it's him. This is the man who destroyed my life, who left me with my only sister. I feel the urge to attack him but I know I won't prevail due to the staff in his right hand. I see a girl about 15 standing next to him. She is in a floor length black dress and there is a piece in her hair that is so intricately done. Is this the queen? Surely not! She isn't much older than me! I see her posture stiffen and she raises her head to look at the column in front of her. The man yells again, attacking Callum with the wrath of his mighty voice. He bashes the staff in his hand down on the ground and there is a burst of bright light. When the light dissipates, I see Callum's head is resting on his knee, "Yes Shadow King, I understand." The Shadow King nods. "Get up Shadow Knight. I expect you to find her and bring her to me. Go Black Jack. Go Cat Girl." Shadow Knight gets up off his knee and motions for the other I didn't notice before. As they leave, the Shadow King says,"Oh, and Shadow Knight?" Callum turns, "Yes?" Shadow King chuckles lightly," Don't think I don't know about Ruby."

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