Chapter 18 - Getting Pummeled in Initiations

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I looked over at Estella as she stood and stretched her back. She clasped her hands together as she said dramatically, "Honestly, if we're meant to do initiations, I think it would be wise to let the birthday boy himself go first!" Kira snickered and I looked confused at my cousin, as well as Thea and ugh, Tristan. He's started to annoy me. Joel hid his smirk and Harley looked p*ssed. They all stared at each other intensely for some time before Estella began to smile, cross her arms and began to blush.

Why? I have no idea. "Come on, all I'm saying is that you should go first since its your birthday. What's with the stare?"

Harley quickly dismissed it with and gravelly "don't worry" and dropped the subject.

He turned to look each of us in the eye as he said, "Keeping in with an old tradition, the Commanders are the ones to test the newbies in a one-on-one duel. So Kira gets to sit this one out. These duels are hand-to-hand combat, no weapons and no powers allowed." He glared at Tristan before continuing on with his lecture, " And this is just a fun thing to do since we aren't testing for Commander material anymore."

Joel raised his hand in the air, much like a little school boy would do, "What if we pick a new Lord though? I mean I don't want to take charge, but who would do it?"

Estella and Harley said they would do it at the same time. Estella rubbed the side of her face then said, " You know what? We'll settle it, after the new three are initiated. One v one. Just like last time. Keep explaining the rules, and we'll get this over with."

Harley had the dopeyest grin on his face. But he seemed excited at a memory long forgotten that had resurfaced. "Deal, Tweety." How cute!

Harley blabbed on for a while, "...So, I think our matches will be boys against girls. I can go with Thea, which leaves Joel with Ruby and Stella with Tristan."

Ese piped up after a moment of thought and said, " Harley and Thea first, then. This is something I want to see." They stepped forward and got into position. I covered my eyes as I knew something would get broken in this tiny house. But Kira beat me to it from her lazed spot on the lounge, " Maybe you should take this outside do you don't break anything."

Estella perked at the idea, "Now there's an idea." Sigh. My idea. "Sure we won't be spotted?" Kira nods and looked up from the plant. "Yeah, we've been training outside so i guess it would be."

I smiled and said, "To the outdoors, then!" I pointed to the doors and skipped outside.

Estella sat down and I went to sit on the left side of her, until Tristan sat down and I back-pedalled, sitting on the other side. There was no way I was sitting next to him, he creeped me out.

Estella ushered Thea and Harley to stand in the makeshift battleground, which was just a patch of grass which had been flattened under human foot. "Alright guys, first one to call uncle or the first person on top at the end of fifteen minutes wins. Sound good?" The two nodded and stood a few meters apart. "Begin!"

They begin to circle each other like a predator to its prey. Estella leaned over to whisper in my ear, and I almost human-turtled myself.  "Watch them carefully."

I watched them fight but soon got increasingly bored. My eyes wandered around the group around me. Stella looked rapt as she watched the two fight. Kira was smelling one of the leaves and rubbing her nose. Tristan was biting his already stubby fingernails as he too watched the fight. And Joel was staring right at me. I cocked my eyebrow at him. He shrugged, smirked and looked away. I looked at Estella's phone. 15 minutes was up.

"That's round one over you two! That was actually really close, but I think Harley just got in there at the end. Impressive, though, Thea." They shook hands as Estella's pattted me on the back to stand.

I brushed the grass off my butt and wandered onto the field. Harley began calling instructions to us. Joel rolled his eyes and discreetly jerked his head in his direction, smirking slightly as if to say look at this guy! I bit my lip to hide the giggle that was burning to be released. We got into battle stances and began to circle each other.

I noticed everyone wasn't looking at us so I dropped my stance and sashayed slowly up to Joel. He looked confused as I touched his shoulder and snaked my hand down his arm. His face went pink as I wrapped my arm around him. And flipped him over onto his back. The wind was knocked out of him briefly, but it gave me enough time to walk over and pin him. But due to my little size, he flipped me over onto my stomach, holding my arm behind my back and digging his knee into my back. I looked up and saw Tristan's eyes wide and eyebrows almost reaching his hairline. I whispered quietly so only Joel could hear, "Your lucky I have short legs, otherwise I would probably be trying to kick you in the n– Ow. I give!" I yelped as he dug his knee a little bit harder into my right shoulder blade. Not a good idea.

Estella sighed and rocked up onto her feet as she gestured for Tristan to join her. Joel lifted himself off my back and sat down in the spot where I was sitting. No, my spot. I crossed my arms and plopped down next to him.

Estella and Tristan began fighting and I yawned. I was tired of these games. I leaned back and looked up at the sky, the sun warming my face. I smiled briefly as I felt the smallest feeling of hope and freedom I had felt in months. Then Joel whispered in my ear, bringing me crashing back down into reality. "So your secret weapon is sass and where did you learn to do it? Thea nor Estella seem like the type to do that."

I peeked the corner of my eye open and said, "First off, it's called seduction, and Mean Girls, Aquamarine, Clueless, pretty much any chick flick you can think of. Why," opening my eyes and making a mock-sexy pose, "Did it... distract you?" He chuckled quietly and the bridge of his nose and cheeks tinged pink. Cute. I mean, er...., "To be honest with you, it did. A lot. Don't do it again." I smirked and nudged him in the arm, "No promises."

Some one called time away from us. Estella and Tristan looked injured. Thea and Harley rushed over to the pair who were currently on the ground. I sighed and pushed myself up off the ground. I walked over to the two but stood some paces away.

"Sorry for ruining that." We began walking back up the hill. They continued on further and I lost the ability to hear what they were saying. My footing slipped on one of the sun-bathed rocks jutting out the side and I almost fell face first on another one. I felt an arm wrap around my waist and I got pulled up, looking behind me to see Joel. "You're very clumsy, aren't you? It's cute. Oh, um..." I giggled and said, "Thanks, your cute too." I walked off up the hill, leaving him in my dust. As I neared the top of the hill I turned around. He was still standing in the same spot, mouth moving like a fish. I laughed and walked inside.


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