Chapter 19 - StoryTime with the Crime Lords

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I watch Thea and Tristan with a concerned look on my face as the two tussled with each other, I was mostly concerned about Tristan, of all people, because the moment you got on Thea's bad side, you had a death wish. She was most likely plotting ways to kill him in his sleep.

"Perhaps we should leave them to it," Harley suggested, "one of them is sure to give at some point."

Estella nodded and said, "My money's on Thea."

Of course it is, cause she never bets money on me.

Joel looked at Estella sceptically, "Do you even have money? We blew all ours at the motel."

Harley groaned in exasperation, "Are you serious? Now we have to do the hard work to get the stuff. Although, a little theft never fails to excite me."

Estella rolled her eyes, "Let's not get too excited. We still need to decide what to do next. Also, we're gonna need a room."

Harley bit his lip and looked around at the surrounding crew members. "About that. One person will get a room to themselves. The rest will have to double up."

Joel shrugged, "No doubt Thea and Ruby will double up. I'll go with Tristan, not that he sleeps in a room much anyway. What about you two?"

I watched as Harley looked at Estella, who was blushing like a madwoman, "Your choice; Me or Kira?"

She folded her arms and scowled, "I'll get back to you on that."

Pick Kira, be normal, it's that easy!


I glanced out of the window as the sun made its descent down the horizon and the moon peeked it's little head out to say hello, it's bright light illuminating our eyes and hair, giving everything a peaceful look. It was still too early to retire to bed so Estella, Joel and Harley told us about their lives, Kira sitting at the kitchen table, sometimes adding other details before continuing to braid her hair.

"And then Estella got kidnapped by the Samurai," I flinched.

"And then CatGirl was like," I touched my scar.

"Shadow Knight-" I almost died inside. The guilt inside of me made my heart race, pounding against my ribs, begging to be free.

"Shadow Knight is the leader of the Samurai, he, sadly, has this wicked axe that is made of black obsidian and it makes me feel like I'm gonna pee myself, I'm not gonna lie."' Joel was laughing as he explained The Samurais crew. I silently hoped that no one saw me flinch every time Callum's name was mentioned.

"Haha, he seems like a worthy opponent," Thea exclaimed as she cracked her knuckles.

Estella told the others about the trip to the Factory. I smiled nervously when she said my name. Joel nodded and half-smiled at me, making me feel better.

No, stupid girl! You shouldn't be thinking like this, you just broke up with your ex, no! bad nightingale, bad! Then again...

Harley said after she had finished, "We'll go back at some stage, even if it's just the two of us."

She smiled and nodded, either happy that she would, one day, venture back to that godforsaken factory or that she would be alone with her boyfriend. "There's something strange about that factory.."

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