Chapter 11 - Gettin' my ninja on!!!

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"Ay-yah!" I kick out frontwards. "Palm, palm, front kick, hook kick!" I pull my ninja claws out and slid them onto my fingers and climb up the wall like a cat. I jump up onto one of the beams and balance there. I then jump down and land lightly on my feet. I give her a smirk as she stares open mouthed at me. I place my hands together, fist against palm, and bow. "I am like a kitsune, a fox." Thea mouths like a fish before spluttering out, "Your Japanese?" I laugh, "No Thea, I just like Japanese stuff." She blinks a few times before saying, "Oh, your pretty good! How did I not know this was happening?" I laugh harder, "Oh Thea, I don't sleep very often, so while your asleep, I'm gettin my ninja on! Can you promise me that you won't tell anyone about this? When Estella comes back, and I complain about training, don't say anything. Oh and Arigato, thank you." She nods. I remove my hood and grab her hand. "Come on Thea, I think it's time for bed," stifling a yawn, "We have to train tomorrow." We walk off to our separate rooms. I jump into bed and wince in pain, I landed on my hip. I lift up the bottom of my jumper and look at the chunky line that goes from the top of hip to the inside of the upper thigh. It has begun to bleed again. I grab some more bandages and wrap it up again. Soon I am snuggled up in my bed and cuddling my pillows. The world seems ready to drop a tonne on me so I must get my sleep and be ready for whatever comes my way.


It is now the beginning of January and my cut has only just began to heal. I also got a present in the mail from an "unknown" sender. I know it was Callum. He got me a jumper that says Angel in pink on the front and a pair of grey converse. "Ruby! Breakfast is ready! I've made your favourite, THEA'S MCMUFFINS!" I look up from laptop, giddy with anticipation of wolfing down her delicious concoction of egg, beef, cheese and any other topping you can think of. One time she made me try spaghetti... And it actually didn't taste too bad. I pause The Sims and rush down the hall. I slip on the way out and crash into the wall. I start giggling which in turn makes Thea giggle and then turns my giggles into painful gasps of air and snorts. I get up and brush myself off. Thea is piling the main things onto the muffin, and there is a smorgasbord of other toppings on the table. She hands me my plate and I walk over to the table to gorge myself on the delicious food. My mouth is literally watering as I put spaghetti, tomato sauce, a hash brown and bacon on the muffin. I place the lid of the muffin on top and lift it to my mouth, the aroma of it all swirling up my nose and making me even more hungry. I can't wait and bite into it. It is an explosion of flavours in my mouth and they all compliment each other perfectly. I look up at Thea and see she's smirking at me. I smile back at her and tell her through a mouthful of food, "Thea, this so good, like always," I swallow, "Are you purposely trying to make fat?" She laughs and says, "Yes Ruby, of course I am, that way you can't kick my a** with your ninja crap!" I look at her in mock surprise. "For your information miss, being a ninja is the best thing since white bread! If you make me fat I won't be able to climb up walls! Oh and I'll ALWAYS be able to kick your a** coz I'm just that amaze-balls." I smirk at her and then take another bite out of the muffin. We laugh and I demolish the rest of the muffin. I take mine and her plate over to the sink and wash the dishes. When I'm finished and the dishes are drying in the strainer, I walk back to my room and sit on my bed and press play on the sims. My girls' about to have a baby. I smirk as she makes those weird grunting sounds. I click on the hospital to send her there to have her baby. Soon she comes out with not one, but two bundles, one wrapped in pink and the other in blue. I have no idea what to call them. I pause it again and save and quit. I shut down the computer and place it on my desk. I grab my sketchbook and begin to sketch Callum. Within 15 minutes I have finished and am on to Cat Girl and Black Jack. When I am done, I look up and see its 9:15. I snuggle back under the covers and sleep. I have a hell of a long day tomorrow.

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