Chapter 14 - I'm a Nightingale

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A couple of hours after my failing, my bruises are fixed up and I don't smell like sweat and boy. We are sitting in Estella's room, Thea on the beanbag, sitting like a boy, I on the chair in front of the dresser, I actually like to act like a girl and not like a female with a... er... you know "boy thing". I throw her a look, you idiot, you should have been born a boy. Estella walks over to her wardrobe and pulls out two paper bags. She steps away from the mirror wardrobe and turns to face us and smiles, "I was thinking about giving you pair some long-a** speech about what this all means to me and should mean to you, but both of you have heard my ramblings before." We grin at her, I am soooo excited I can barely sit still but force myself to do I can keep my game face on. Estella grins and gestures for Thea to stand up and she obeys. Estella hands her one of the brown bags and giggles at Thea's confused expression, "Welcome to the team.. Falcon." Falcon, a bird of prey, good choice. Thea thanks her and plops back down in the beanbag. She gestures for me to stand as well and holds out the other bag to me, "Here you go.. Nightingale." Nightingale! OMG!! WHAT THE HELL!! THATS WHAT CALLUM CALLED ME!!! I keep my face normal and accept the name. "Alright, open them up," she says. Thea opens hers first and holds up a pair of yucky looking shorts, "What the f**k?" She asks, confused. "Yeah, these are your costumes," Estella says. Thea looks bewildered, "Alrighty then..." Estella blinks a couple of times and then says, "Go get changes and you'll see." She gestures to her ensuite and Thea grins, "sounds like a good idea actually," and puts everything back into the bag and walks into the ensuite. I grin at Estella and open my bag, and pull out brown coloured stuff. "Brown? Why brown? It's poopy." Poopy, the only word I could think of without swearing. Estella doubles over in laughter and wipes a tear from her eye, "Poopy? Oh my god, Ru... Nightingales are brown, naturally. if we were ever running through the bushland, you'll be good, because that particular shade is for camouflage." Thea walks in just as I'm about to say a bada** comment. She looks wicked, though the ponytail kinda ruins it because of its lack in length. "Looks good, Falcon. I'm glad I chose those for you," Estella says and Thea grins at her. I get up and walk into the ensuite myself. Once inside, I pull the outfit out of the bag. A brownish grey halter top is first, and it gets me perfectly. The brown stuff I had first pulled out were a of thick tights and I pull them on and up over my hips. I still have my socks on so I slip on the dark brown combat boots. I slip long gloves on my arms and then add on the accessories; golden belt and, omg, a pouch for my ninja stars. Hell yea! I plait my hair, which has grown much longer in the time between Estella's disappearance and her arrival here. I grab the dark brown eye mask and walk out. "Me likey," I grin and spin slowly so they can take in my awesomeness. Estella seems pleased and happy, "Turned out well, actually. Okay. You both wanted to see the real Raven, didn't you?" We nod excitedly. She rolls her eyes at us and says, "Fine. Give me a little bit to find my costume and stuff, though. I decided to change a couple of things." While she was getting all her stuff ready, I decided to text Callum.

YOU: Hey, you know how you said that I am Nightingale?
CALLUM: Yea, why?
YOU: Estella just named me that.
CALLUM: Sh*t, wow did not expect that.
CALLUM: But that effing hilarious tho.
YOU: Kinda considering I kinda already knew and everything.... Estella's showing us her costume, gtg, bye love you ❤️
CALLUM: Love you too ❤️

Though I know it's silly and extremely cliché, he makes me extremely happy, like I'm the only girl in the world. Estella wanders out to us, and she looks wicked. I can't help but look at the belt around her waist, and the throwing knives, er.. I mean Quills, look amazing. "Well?" She asks. I am in a stunned silence, she's definitely the best dressed out of us. "You look incredible. I don't even recognise you," I say, smiling up at her, she looks so much older than she did last time she stayed here. Thea chimes in, "Yeah. Your really her, aren't you? THE Raven? As in the one who ran around with Toxic and Green Arrow and the others?" My heart jumps a beat, I've heard a lot a about those guys, and, according to Callum, Green Arrow's an archer like me, I use a crossbow though. He also told me not to get ideas. He thinks I'll start liking Green Arrow, puh-leese! Estella laughs, the laugh lines on her face crinkling with joy of being used for real. "Yeah, Thee, that's me. Well it was, anyway. That Raven is gone, at least for now." She pulls a face and crosses her arms, "And now you two will be a part of this story, in being my companion and sidekick. Thea, I know you didn't stop training in weapons and fitness, so you'll be my companion. Ruby, I need to train you a little bit, your skills are a bit rusty, so for now, Nightingale will be Raven's sidekick. We can train in uniform soon, but for tonight, let's relax and watch a movie or two." We agree and walk out of her room. When we're all seated on the lounge under a thick blanket, I think to myself, It feels good to have a part of my life back, it doesn't fell like I'm missing as much anymore. I glance over to Estella. I feel human again.

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