Chapter 7 - Its nearly Christmas!

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It's the 20th of December and I still haven't gotten Thea a present! And I really don't know what she wants. Whenever I ask she always just replies with "I dunno, I don't really care what". Estella is still not home. I know Callum said she would be home soon but it's getting aggravating. She's my cousin, of course I care about her! Anyway, it's so difficult to buy her a present. One year, I got her a scooter, she asked "Where is the engine?" She wanted a engine powered one! So this year I think I'll get her socks. Yeah, socks. A perfect prezzies for someone who acts like one. Oh and maybe I'll get her a pebble as well. At the moment, I'm sitting on the lounge, snuggled and hiding in a blanket. Next to me is Thea, watching the most scariest movie ever: It. I hate clowns! I kick Thea but she just spins and places her feet on my head. She giggles. I mumble from the recesses of the blanket, "You suck." She laughs and says, "Thank you." I sigh and close my eyes to sleep.

Hours later, which feels like minutes, Thea wakes me up and I find it is morning. She pushes me off the lounge and I land on my butt. I stand and brush myself off. I nod and walk off to my room and get changed. For the first time in months, I look up at my black swirl patterned wall. On the far wall, there is over 300 photos blu-tacked to my wall. I sigh and lower my head, I miss the life I had, all my friends, family and even my pets. All gone because of him. I raise my head and scowl. He took them away from me! I will find him and make him pay! I grab the mask Callum gave me and my ninja stars and mini crossbow and jump out the window. I bolt across the lawn and catch Thea's eye from the front window. I wink at her and run down the road and into the woods, letting my instincts take over.

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