Chapter 23 - Take A Wild Guess

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Ok, side note: part of the way through I jump into someone else's POV, which also goes into third person, and then it will change back to the usual scheduling. And I think you'll like this. 

"Silence!" There was a booming voice from the other side the door. "You're coming with me! Anthony, call the guards."

Joel pushed the door open and said, "Not so fast. If you want Estella, you'll have to go through us."

Each of us entered the room. Joel loaded his bow and stared menacingly at the infamous Shadow King. I placed a hand on my ninja star pouch. And remembering the throwing knife in my boot, just in case.

Shadow King smiled creepily at us, "You're a brave bunch, I'll give you that. I must admit, I am surprised to see that The Samurai were overwhelmed by only three members. In fact, one of them has even joined you." I glanced at Briannon as she snarled something almost incoherent at Shadow King, but whatever it was, Harley was visibly sweating.

Thea elbowed me accidentally in her fit of excitement, "Who cares if the guy has a few tricks. Let's take 'im!"

"No! You don't know what you're doing! We're not your enemies." Anthony had moved in the firing line of Joel's arrow, protecting the one person who could destroy everything.

Joel snarled at them, "Step aside, or I'll shoot." Shadow King quietly said, "Do as he says."

Anthony moved, just as Stell and Harley joined us. The latter started to flip his seemingly last knife, "You're a little outnumbered. And that's not even counting the unconscious guy over there." I looked over to where the said unconscious guy was and saw that it was Wills, face up in a pile of broken wood. Ouchie. Willsy has a booboo.

Shadow King banged his staff on the ground and all weapons were dropped, except the ones that were not being held. Meaning I had a better chance of surviving whatever Shadow King was going to throw at us.

Harley muttered a "well sh*t." Estella mumbled back, "Not quite," as she threw the last of her quills, which embedded itself in King's thigh, to which he complained.

There was a fleeting moment of romantic air between Estella and Harley, before he yelled, "Everyone, new mission. Stop the King!"

All of us charged forward, getting ready to attack, when Shadow King slammed his staff on the ground again. It was like a wind storm was pushing me back. All of us, save for Estella and Harley, were pushed back out the door.

I tried to get back in, however, there seemed to be an almost invisible wall holding us all back. Joel was slamming his fists on the barrier, each of us yelling colourful explicits and attempting to get back inside.

I could not stand there and do nothing while my friend and my cousin were in there with a monster. They were my familia. My Ohana. My home.

I turned to Joel and kissed him briefly, "Mi amor, perdóname."

And with that, I sprinted off in the direction of the training centre.

~ Callum's POV ~

There was a rustle and footsteps somewhere out there. He couldn't lift his head up, but he could finally see. The guards have come for me.

But he was wrong.

A pair of dark brown boots walked into view. His head was jerked up and he looked into the eyes of Ruby. "Come to finish me off, pretty bird?"

Ruby's face turned a bright red, as she noticed the lack of clothes now that his armour had disappeared. He was in nothing but red boxers. "No, Callum. I need your help."

Callum raised an eyebrow lazily, "And why would I help you? You were the one who brutally tore my heart out." Ruby rolled her eyes, "You'll get over it. Now, help me!"

Callum closed his eyes, "What then?" Ruby pulled Callum to his feet, "I need you to stop Shadow King." Callum laughed heartily as he draped himself clumsily over Ruby's shoulder, "Sorry, darling, no can do. The best I can do is give you a pat on the head and a 'thanks for not killing me'."

Ruby stopped dead and pulled his arm off her. She whirled to stand in front of him and looked him in the eye. "What?" Callum only just got out as Ruby punched him in the nose. "You're an @ss! My cousin could die at any moment and you don't give a sh*t!" She turned away and marched over rubble and out the door.

Callum stumbled after her, "Ruby! Ruby wait!" He rounded the corner and saw her sitting on the ground, knees other forehead , crying. He sunk down next to her tiny frame and said, "Look, I honestly can't do anything to stop Shadow King except to say that I give up my place in his court, much like Briannon had done."

Ruby lifted her head and looked teary eyed at him. "Give up your place. I cannot loose another family member." Callum sighed deeply, trying not to look at her grief-stricken face. But the tiny part in his heart that held sympathy grew. "I can't. I no longer feel the need to exact revenge, but I do not like you or your friends. That should be enough for sparing my life."

Ruby threw her arms around his neck, "That's enough for me, let's go!"

Callum was dragged to his feet. I will not do this, yet she is so naive to think I would help. He pulled his hand out of Ruby's and disappeared.


I turned, and Callum was not there. For a split second I thought I could trust him. That jerk! I bolted down the hall back to where the others were still trying to get into the office.

I squeezed in just in time to see Harley look over at Joel and nod. Then putting Estella on her knees and holding a knife to her throat. I let out a gasp.

Of all people, it had to be him.

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