Chapter 3 - Shopping Trip

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After training, Thea tells me that we have to go shopping for groceries. Its always fun to leave the house when you have no friends to talk to. We ride our bikes down to Wyong and find the supermarket. I ask Thea what she wants me to get. She hands me a list and reminds me, "Don't buy more milo than it says, okay?" I nod and wander off to get bread. I grab two loaves of of white bread and one loaf of multigrain which is, apparently, good for you. I continue walking and look down at the list. I look up just in time to see myself run into a blonde boy who looks around my age. I am knocked to my butt and suck in a breath as I feel my tail bone already begin to bruise. The boys had reaches down to help me up. He grins and looks down at me with his beautiful eyes, "Uh hey I'm Callum. I'm sorry. Uh, yeah I didn't look where I was going." I blinked and then said," Nah, it's all good, no harm done... Oh! My name is Ruby." I give him my hand and shake. Then de jevu sweeps over me. I know I have met this boy before. I can't remember where though. Callum obviously feels it too as he shifts his weight to his other foot and says, "Have we met before, cause I swear I have!" I nod. "That's what I thought but then I don't know how I could've met you cause I don't go to school." He shakes his head and picks up my basket that I had forgotten about and hands it to me. "Look, I'm really sorry about knocking you over, but I gotta go. I need to get some food for my roommates. But hey, maybe I'll see you around?" I nod, " yes definitely, see you later." We go our separate ways but can't help thinking about how familiar those eyes are. I turn around to watch him go and find no one is there, almost like he disappeared into the shadows. Hmm strange. I continue to get all the stuff on the list and meet Thea at the checkout, " How'd you go?" She asks, all I can say is that it was definitely eventful.

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