Chapter 1

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Previously on Book 2 -Chapter 20-

We turn around and get inside the car. I sit next to Will, placing my head on his shoulder. He have his arm around me. I feel a soft kiss on the side of my head. Then the car starts to move. See you again my beloved friends. See you again, Mike.

See you again, Hawkins

-Life In California-


It's been 3 years since I've left Hawkins, along with Eleven and the Byers. We're now in California. All of us are trying our best to fit in. But I guess, freaks like Eleven and I could never fit in.

I'm currently sitting on my bedroom, working on my project. We are told to write about heroes that gave us inspiration. Eleven will be choosing her adoptive father, Hopper.

She's even making a diorama about Hawkins, along with a mini wooden figurine that will represent her father. She looks so focus while making them. I know how painful it is for her. Hopper died on the last battle against the Mind Flayer.

It makes me feel so bad for her. She just started to have a family, only for it to be taken away. But she didn't have to worry, she have me... Will, Jonathan and Mrs. Byers.

Will and I are still together. I remember the first time we met. It was through my cousin, who's his best friend. His name is Mike Wheeler, who just happens to be Eleven's boyfriend.

I let out a soft sigh and lean my back against the chair backrest. I stare out the window, deep in thought. A lot of things have happened. Some of which, creates a deep scar inside my heart. Those horrible memories sometimes gives me nightmares too.

I hear a knock on my door. "Come in..." I said. The door to my bedroom opens. I hear footsteps coming closer to me. I feel a pair of arms wrapping around my shoulders from behind. I smile softly, knowing who it is.

"Hey, Will..." I said. I feel a soft kiss being placed on the crown of my head. I tilt my head upwards to look at him. "Hey, love..." he said, placing another soft kiss on my forehead.

"How's your project going?" He said, taking a seat on my bed. I turn to him and smiles softly. "I'm almost done. What about yours?" I asked. He smiles softly at me.

"I've completed my project since yesterday" he said. I smile and turn to focus on mine. "You're lucky that you are gifted with a very creative mind. It took me several hours just to think of what to make" I said, letting out a sigh.

He burst out laughing at what I said. He let his body falls onto the bed and starts to roll. I pout and stand up. I walk over to him, with my hands on my hips.

"What's so funny?!" I said. He grabs my hand and pulls me down. I let out a yelp when I landed on top of him. "What's that for, Will?" I said, moving from him and try to stand up. But he quickly wraps his arm around my waist, preventing me from getting up.

"Cuddle with me for a bit..." he said. I let out a sigh and place my head on his chest. It's no use trying to argue with him. He's not going to let me go. So I just do what he wants. I turn to lay on my side, wrapping my arm around his torso.

"You do know that I still have to work on my project, right?" I said. I can feel him nodding his head, since he have his head placed on top of mine. "Yeah. But you can get to it again after this..." he said. I roll my eyes and pat his chest.

A While Later

"Okay! It's time to go back to work!" I said, pulling away from the cuddle. Will pout at me. "Can't you just cuddle with me a little longer?" He said. I let out a sigh and ruffles his hair.

"We can cuddle again later. I need to get my project done" I said. He let out a sigh and nod his head. He stands up and stand beside the chair. He stares at the project I've been working on.

"That's a cool design. And you said you weren't creative..." he said. I turn to look at him. I shrug my shoulders at what he said.

"Well, I guess I'm decent. Well, among the people who are beginners. But compare to you? I'm a loser" I said. He rolls his eyes and flicks my forehead. I flinch at his action.

"What's that for?" I said. He leans down so his face is directly in front of mine. "Stop downgrading yourself like that, Y/N. I hate it when I have to hear you talk bad about yourself" he said, sternly. I just give him a smile.

"Yeah... okay" I said. He shakes his head and make my chair turns to face him. "Not 'yeah... okay.' Say 'yeah, I'm the best.' You are the best girl I've ever met, Y/N... so say it... 'I'm the best'" he said. I shake my head.

"No... that's not true. I'm a freak" I said. He let out a sigh and ruffles my hair. "Why do you have to be so stubborn?" He said. I stick my tongue out at him, which makes him huff. I let out a giggle and grab his arm. I gently tuck him, so he squat to my eye-level. I smile softly at him.

"I don't care that I'm a freak, because I have the best boyfriend" I said. He smiles softly at me. He lift his hand, tucking a strand piece of hair behind my ear. "And that makes you the best girlfriend" he said. I just smile softly at him. He gently cups the side of my cheek.

"I love you, Y/N..." he said. I smile and gently leans my cheek against his hand, humming in appreciation for his warmth. "I love you too, Will" I said. He leans down, gently placing a soft kiss on my lips. I close my eyes, kissing him back.

I pull away from the kiss and smiles at him. "Can I work now?" I said. He let out a laugh and nod his head. "Alright... I'll be waiting here. Let me know if you need help, okay?" He said. I grin and nod my head.

"Roger that, captain!" I said, saluting him. He shakes his head, letting out a laugh. He leans down and point at his lips. "Kiss first?" He said. I roll my eyes and place a quick kiss on his lips. He smiles softly and head to the bed, taking a seat. He grins at me like a little kid. I giggle softly at his cuteness. I turn my head to focus on my project.

I pick up my pencil and start scribbling some notes. I make sure to add everything that are important for the presentation, and just like Will said... he stayed with me the whole time. He's literally the best boyfriend I could EVER ask for.

*to be continued*

The Love We Share (Will Byers X Reader) book 3 Where stories live. Discover now