Chapter 8

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Previously on Chapter 7

Since this is all about her, it's up to her whether she wants to cooperate with Dr. Owen or not. She nods her head too. Let's just hope El and I won't regret agreeing with this. Dr. Owen may be a good person... but he's still one of them.

-The Nina Project-


Dr. Owen took us to a deserted land. I look around in confusion. The facility he's talking about is out here? Well... what do I expect from a secret facility? Surely, it's going to be located somewhere that isn't obvious. What's a better place than a deserted land?

We eventually stop in front of a door. "I thought the purpose of secret facility is not to be obvious. But a door? In the middle of nowhere? That's kind of beat the purpose of it being a secret... I mean, this thing is quite obvious. I mean, look at it. Just some random door" I said. Dr. Owen turn his head to look at me and chuckles softly.

He unlocked the door and leads us inside. I let out a sigh. Eleven seems nervous, as she gently slip her hand in mine. I turn my head to look at her. I give her hand a light squeeze. She turns to look at me. I give her a look of reassurance. She gives me a small smile.

I can see everyone's eyes on the two of us. Honestly, it's starting to make me feel uncomfortable. It feels just like when I was in Hawkins Lab. Being watched 24/7 by the guards and other professors.

We eventually stops when we reach a small room. There's a huge tank in the middle. "We call her Nina" Dr. Owen said. I just stare at it, not really knowing what to say. I guess this is some sort of a sensory deprivation tank.

"What is it?" Eleven asked, looking around the place. "If we told you. It would ruin the surprise" someone said. I froze at the familiar voice. I turn my head to see the man I thought were dead.

"Hello, Eleven... Six" he said. My eyes widened at the sight of the man. I take a few steps back. He notices the look on my face. He slowly makes his way down the stairs.

"I know... you two are frightened of me. Perhaps, in our time apart, you may have grown to hate me. But all I've ever wanted to do is to help you both..." he said.

"You're a liar... all you've ever cared about was your own aim. You never cared for any of us. All you ever wanted was to continue with your torments!" I said, glaring at him. He turns to look at me, making my breath hitched.

He smiles at me and turns to look at Eleven. "Your gifts have been stolen. I believe I know why. And I believe I know how to get them back. Let us work together. You both and I... daughters and papa" he said, placing his hands on both of our shoulders.

I close my eyes as all the bad memories starts filling my mind. I turn to look at Eleven, to see she have the same look of fear in her eyes. I quickly lift my hand. I use mr element control, pushing Dr. Brenner away from us. Eleven and I quickly make a run for it to the door.

I drop on my knees as I feel electricity surge across my body. I turn my head to see a woman, pointing her stun gun at me. I turn to lay on my back as I let out a pained scream. Eleven is surrounded by the guards too.

Eleven turns to look at me, she kneels down with her hand hovering. She wants to help me but she knew if she touches me, she'd get electrocute too. I shake my head.

"D... Don't worry a-about m-me. J-Just r-run, El..." I said, as the electricity finally stops. Eleven stands up and turn to look at them. She tries to make a run for it, but they catch her with ease. She starts to struggle to break free.

One of them have a injection gun. I struggle to stand up, to help El. But my body feels weak from being shocked. "E-El..." I breathed out, weakly. She keeps trying to break free as the woman inject her neck.

"Leave them..." Dr. Brenner said, walking towards us. He gently holds her in his arms. "No..." she said, trying to move away. "I'm... I'm sorry, Eleven. Six. This is not how I wanted things to begin..." he said, turning to look at me.

"But everything's going to be alright... you're both home now" he said. I just let my head fall my head fall on the ground. I close my eyes, as everything slowly turns dark.


I open my eyes. I turn my head and notice everyone sitting around. "Eleven..." I said. Dr. Owen turns to look at me. "She's in there..." he said. I turn my head to see the Nina Project.

I stare at the screen to see Eleven's heart monitor. I watched in horror as her heart rate starts beating rapidly. I can tell that she's scared. I focus on her mind and see that she's having a dream. She's inside the rainbow room.

"Stop this..." I said. I turn to look at the others. They ignores me. "I said stop this right now!!" I yelled. I lift my hand to attack them, but I feel electricity on my body. I collapse on the ground. I place my hand on my neck, feeling the familiar material of a collar.

"I suggest not to try that again. Unless you want to get zapped" one of the guard said, waving the control in his hand. I let out a sigh and just sit down on the seat. I watch the monitor, and see what Eleven is currently dreaming about.

"So, I'm guessing you're using her memories to help her remember how she masters her powers?" I said. Dr. Brenner turns to look at me. "As always... you're the most observant, Six" he said.

I just looks away from him, crossing my arms across my chest. I'm so worried for El. There's one memory that I'm know she's terrified of remembering, so I never really talk about it. I know it's going to be very overwhelming for her. So I can only hope that she'll be alright.

*to be continued*

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