Chapter 7

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Previously on Chapter 6

I burst into tears and falls on the ground. I lean my back against the side of my bed. I hug my knees as I start to cry harder. My heart hurts... knowing the boy I've been in love with thought of me as a monster, hurts... a lot.



El enters my room and sits next to me. I place my head on her shoulder she tries her best to comfort me. She told me that her and Mike also got into a fight.

How can we let a bully did this. Sure, in the end, we did taught her a lesson. But that doesn't change the fact that everyone sees us as monsters because we got so fed up with the way she was treating us. If it's not because of Angela and all of her stupid friends, El and I wouldn't have fought with our boyfriends. It just gave more reasons for me to hate her.

I pull my head away from El's shoulder when there's a knock by the front door. We look at each other. "Should we go and see who that is?" She said. I just nod my head. We stand up and make our way out of my room.

We make our way down the stairs. I notice two cops standing by the door. They turn to look at us. "Hey there... are you Y/N L/N and Jane Hopper?" One of them said. I just nod my head. They walk towards us and puts hand cuffs around our wrists.

The voices surrounding me faded away as I let my wrist being hand cuffed. I turn my head slightly to look at Will. He stares back at me with tears falling from his eyes. I give him a sad smile and looks away.

Mike, Will and Jonathan keep trying to talk to the cops. They're trying to convince them that it was all an accident. I just keep my head down as they take us to their car. The officer places me inside the car.

"Y/N! Y/N... please. Listen to me. Look at me, Y/N" Will said, knocking on the window. I turn my head to look at him. I just smile at him.

"Stay calm, okay, Y/N? Your cousin and I will find a way to fix this. We'll free both of you, okay? I love you. Just trust me... I promise!" " he said. The car starts moving.

I turn to look at El, she stares back at me. I watch as her tears falls from her eyes. I scoot closer to her, letting her rest her head on my shoulder. I place my head on top of hers.

"We'll get through this..." I said, in a soft voice. I can feel her nodding her head. I turn my head to look out the window, watching in silent as buildings moves past us.


They took picture of El and I. After that, they place us inside the van. Which will be taking us to the prison that we'll sentenced.

We are now inside the van, making our way to the prison. Eleven and I sit across each other. I place my elbows on my knees, holding my hands together. I keep my gaze down.

"Y/N..." El said. I turn my head to look at her. She's looking through the holes on the door. I turn my head to look at what she's looking. I can make out a few cars chasing after us.

They stop the van. I can see a woman walking up to the driver and hold up a badge. I turn to look at El and shared a worried look with her. The driver walks towards the door and opens it. I quickly move and use my power, slamming the door right at the man's body. We rush out and tries to run.

I feel electricity surging through my body. I fall on the ground and starts convulsing. My vision starts to get blurry. I turn my head slightly and noticed El being held down by two men. I hear another car coming to a stop. I turn my head to see Dr. Owens.

He smiles at the two of us. "Hey, kiddos..." he said. I fall on the ground as darkness surrounds my sight. I fall limp on the ground, giving in to the darkness.


I slowly open my eyes and realize I'm in a cafe. I turn my head slightly to see El sitting next to me. Sitting in front of us, is none other than Dr. Owen. I move to sit straighter.

El turns to me. "Y/N... you're finally awake..." she said, looking relieved. "What happened? Why are you here?" I asked, turning to look at Dr. Owen. He smiles at me.

"I'm sorry we meet again at a rough start. But I don't have a choice, since you started attacking..." he said. I roll my eyes at what he said. "Can't you just get to the point?" I asked. He let out a chuckle and nods his head.

Apparently, Hawkins isn't safe. There's an evil rising within Hawkins. That's why he came to search for us, because he thinks we're the only one who could stand a chance against this evil being. He believed that this thing, came from the Upside Down.

"But I don't have my powers..." El said. I turn to look at her for a brief seconds, before turning to look at Dr. Owen. "I have mine... but each time I used them. It only reminds me of the bad times. So I'd much rather if I don't use it" I said, staring at him with a cold tone.

He nods his head in understanding. "I can't blame either of you... after all, you two are just teenagers. But please understand. The only ones that are able to fight this thing... are both of you. Without you, Hawkins will fall. Can you let that happen, Y/N? Your cousin's family are there. Can you let that?" He said.

I bit my lips and looks down. Dr. Owen places his hand on top of mine. "Please... consider it. You both are our only hope" he said. I turn to look at El. She nods her head at me, as if saying 'we have to do this' to me.

I let out a shaky breath and nod my head. I turn to look at Dr. Owen. "Alright... I'll cooperate with you. But first, is there a way we can do to bring El's power back?" I said. He nods his head.

"Yeah... there is one way. Both of you need to come with me. I'll take you both to a secret facility. Where we will help El gain her powers back" he said. I nod my head and turn to El.

Since this is all about her, it's up to her whether she wants to cooperate with Dr. Owen or not. She nods her head too. Let's just hope El and I won't regret agreeing with this. Dr. Owen may be a good person... but he's still one of them.

*to be continued*

A/N: you guys are seriously awesome! I've only published this book for like 6 days. But it already reached over 1k readers. Thank you so much guys! I'm so happy to have so many of you supporting me. I appreciate each and everyone of you! Love ya!!!

The Love We Share (Will Byers X Reader) book 3 Where stories live. Discover now