Chapter 4

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Previously on Chapter 3

I slowly starts to calm down, but I didn't move from his embrace. He didn't move away either, he knew I needed his comfort. I start to feel exhausted from all the crying. So I just closes my eyes, letting myself drift off to sleep.

-Mike's Arrival-


Mike will be coming to visit us. Which led to us now. We are currently at the Airport, waiting for him. He should arrive any moment now. I can't wait to meet my cousin. It's been a while.

I'm sitting on the chair, with Will next to me. El is next to me. She looks so excited. I smile softly at her. She must have miss Mike so much. I mean... I do too, of course. Since Mike is my cousin after all. But seeing the grin on El's face as she eagerly waits for her boyfriend to come, it's adorable.

I look up and grin when I spot a familiar face. I give El a gentle nudge. She turns to me with a startled face. I point at the person walking towards us. She turns her head and grins happily.

"Mike!" She said, standing up. Mike smiles at her and wave. He's holding a bouquet of flowers... and judging by the look, it seems like he made it himself. Aww... that's so cute.

El instantly runs towards him, and they share a quick kiss. I stand up and walks towards them, with Will next to me. Will gently wrap his arm around my shoulder. I smile softly as Mike and El embraces one another.

They pull away, and make hands the flower he made to El and turn to me. "Hey, Mike. It's so good to see you again" I said. I walk over to him and hugs him. "Hey, Y/N~ likewise" he said, returning the hug. I give him a light squeeze, and he do the same.

After the little reunion, we decide to hang out at a skating rink. So that's where we are heading to. Mike held El close to him, while Will holds me close. I feel a soft kiss on the side of my head. I turn to Will and smiles at him.

El didn't tell Mike what's been happening to the two of us. How Angela and her stupid minions always bully us. I didn't say anything either, because I don't want Mike to worry. But I can tell that it annoys Will. Even so, he didn't say anything either.

When Mike told El that he's going to go get himself a pair of socks. Will turn to look at her. "Why'd you lie to him?" He said. She denied what he said. I can tell that it irked Will. I gently place my hand on top of Will's hand to calm him, just in time as Mike returns to us.

We are now taking a break. Mike is trying El's drink. I smile when he said his milkshake is the best one, even though he couldn't stop drinking it.

"Yup... mine's better!" He said, as he finally stops drinking. "Oh, don't lie to yourself, Mike. You can't stop sipping El's drink" I said, earning an eye roll from him. He went back to arguing with El. I let out a laugh at their childlike behavior. I turn my head and when I spot a familiar face.

"What is it, Y/N?" Will whispered, leaning closer to my ear. I turn to him. "Angela..." I whispered back. He turns to my line of view and notices her coming towards us.

"Milkshake, yum!" She said, gliding over to us. I place my hands under the table, clenching tightly. Will places his hand on top of mine, trying to give me comfort.

"Well oh well... you've been hiding this handsome thing" she said, staring at Mike. I can see El getting uncomfortable because of her. "Um... Angela, this is Mike. My boyfriend and Y/N's cousin" she said. I can see the nervousness in her eyes. Angela smiles at him.

"Angela, pleasure..." she said, offering a hand to him. Mike grabs her hand and shakes it. "I've heard all about you. It's really cool to finally meet some of El-Jane's and Y/N's friends" he said. Angela raise an eyebrow at what he said.

"Friends? Yeah... super cool" she said. But I can hear sarcasm lacing in her voice. She turns to look at El and I. "Well, friend. Let's skate, shall we?" She said. El tries to deny her offer. But she didn't listen and just dragged her along. Another of her friend grabs my hand and starts pulling me too.

I turn to look at Will and notice a worried look on his face. I let out a soft sigh, already knowing that it's not going to end well for both El and I. Let's just hope I wont give in to my anger and start using my power on her.

Angela and her friend dragged the two of us to the middle of the rink. The other people starts circling around us while laughing like a bunch of idiots. I look around and mostly make sure El is okay. Out of the two of us, she's the most vulnerable. Without her power and such. If they try to hurt her, I won't hold back anymore.

"Angela... you better stop or else" I said, glaring angrily at her. She let out a laugh. "Or what? Gonna go back crying to mommy? Can't do that, huh?" She said. I notice a boy recording what's happening to us. This makes me feel sick and angry.

They stop circling us as the music stopped. One boy skates towards us. "Wipe out!" The person said. He splash the milkshake onto El's body. She let out a yelp as she falls onto the ground.

"Jane!" I said. I rush towards her and kneels down. She burst into tears as she notice Mike skating towards us. She gets up and skates away. I quickly follows her.

She ended up inside a storage room. I follows her and closes the door behind me. I kneel down next to her and wraps my arms around her. She clutches my shirt as she starts to cry harder. I place my hand on her head and gently caress her hair.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry I didn't do anything. I just... I don't wanna put the others to risk. If they know what I can do... who knows what kind of trouble they'd be in. I'm so sorry, El..." I said. She shakes her head as she hugs me tightly.

"I understand... it's okay" she said. I close my eyes and hugs her tighter. Her voice sounded so broken. It makes my blood boils. That was it... I won't hold back anymore. Angela and those stupid kids will pay for what they've done.

I glare hard on the wall over El's shoulder. I can feel her body shaking as she cries harder in my arms. It makes the hatred in my heart for Angela grows at a rapid pace. Just you wait, Angela... you'll regret messing with me. I'll make sure of it! You've messed with the wrong person.

*to be continued*

The Love We Share (Will Byers X Reader) book 3 Where stories live. Discover now