Chapter 15

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Previously on Chapter 14

I have made a mistake not consoling her when the incident with Angela happened, it led to us fighting. When we got separated, every second feels like it's killing me. But now I have her back. I'm not going to make the same mistake again... I don't want to lose her. So this time, I'll be by her side.

-Return To Hawkins-


I open my eyes and notices I'm staring at a ceiling. I move my head, looking around. 'Where is this?' I thought to myself. I try to move my hand, but feel warmth. I turn my head slightly to see Will, holding my hand. He's sleeping with his body on the floor.

"Will..." I said, lifting my hand... placing it on top of his head. He moves slightly and opens his eyes. He turns to look at me and smiles. I just give him a weak smile, memories of what happened starts returning to me.

Tears slowly building up in my head. Will frowns and moves to sit on the bed. I sit up and wraps my arms around his neck. I bury my face into the crook of his neck.

"I failed, Will... Max..." I cried out. He just hums in a soft voice, begin to whispers some comforting words as I continue to cling in his embrace. Seems like he didn't mind if I got his shirt wet from my tears. He just keeps holding me tightly, trying his best to calm me down.

The door to the room opens to reveal, El, Mike and Jonathan. They notices me crying and gives me a worried gaze. They slowly make their way towards us. El silently take a seat on the bed, opposite from Will.

"Y/N..." she said. I pull away from Will and turn to hug her. She wraps her arms around me. I feel my shirt starting to get wet, letting me know that she's crying too.

Mike and Will wraps their arms around us, giving us a group hug. Jonathan gently runs his hand through my hair, in a comforting manner. I close my eyes, as I let myself sink into their comforting hugs.


We decided to head back to Hawkins. I just stare outside the window of the pizza truck. A couple of years have passed since I left this place. Now we're finally back. But, nothing will be the same. Not after we've lost our dear friend.

The truck eventually came to a stop. I can see aunt Karen, Nancy and the others. They stare at the truck in confusion. Mike slides the door open and steps out, followed by the rest of us.

They stare at us in shock. I just give them a smile. I run with Mike to hug Aunt Karen. "Hey, Aunt Karen..." I said, hugging her as she embrace Mike and I. She tightens her arms around us.

"It's good to see you again, honey..." she said. I just smile and let myself sink in her embrace. "Yeah... it's good to see you too" I said. She pulls away and stare at Mike.

"You're not going on vacation again. In fact, you can forget about going to college. You too, Y/N. You ARE not leaving again... you two are staying right here!!" she said. I just let out a nervous laugh at her words. She just shake her and pulls us into a hug again.

I pull away from Aunt Karen. I make my way to where El and Will are, they're talking to Dustin. Dustin turns to look at me and grins. He walks towards me and wraps his arms around me. I just smile and hugs him back.

"Lucas?" Will asked. He turns to look at him after we pulls away. "He's at the hospital" he said. I frown at what he said. "Why? Is he hurt?" I asked. He turns to me and gasp.

"Oh, he's... oh God. You don't know..." he said. I turn to look at El and Will in confusion. He just gives the three of us a smile. My eyes widened when I realize something.

At The Hospital

Mike opens the door to the hospital. Lucas turns to look at us. "Oh my God..." he said. He stands up from his seat and walks up to Mike.

"We've been calling you guys like crazy" he said. He pulls Mike and Will into a hug. "I know... we came as soon as we heard" Mike said. Lucas looks up, as he notices El and I. He turns to Mike and walks up to us, pulling us into a hug.

"I'm sorry..." El said. "We both are..." I mumbled. He just tightens his arms around us. I turn to look over his shoulder and spot Max, who's laying on the bed. She have casts on her limbs and cervical collar on her neck. Lucas pulls away from us, allowing us to walk closer to Max.

I turn to Will and leans to him. He wraps his arm around my shoulder. Max is still alive... she's not leaving us. My healing works. But it's not enough to completely heal her body. El walks forward and take a seat on the bed. She gently holds Max's left hand.

"I'm here Max..." she said. She closes her eyes. I can tell that she's trying to get inside Max's mind. I walk around the bed and place my hand on Max's right hand. I close my eyes, focusing on healing her again. I open my eyes when I feel her hand twitches. I turn to El and smiles happily. Max is going to be alright.


We head to Hopper's cabin. We need to help El get settle down. I know that this place brings back her sad memories. This is the house where she spent most of her time with her adoptive father. I decide to stays outside, to let El have some time alone.

I turn my head when a car pulls up. I stare at the car in confusion. Who could that be. My eyes widened as some people steps out. A grin makes its way to my face.

"Mrs. Byers!" I yelled out. I rush towards her, along with Will and Jonathan, hugging her tightly. She let out a laugh as she tries her best to hug the three of us at once.

I turn my head and notices Hopper. "Y-You're... y-you're alive?" I said. He let out a chuckle and nod his head. "Hello, kid..." he said. I grin and rushes to him. He wraps his arms around me.

"El's going to be so happy to see you. She finally have her father back" I said, smiling at him. He let out a sort chuckle and nods his head. He pulls away from me and ruffles my hair softly, which makes me let out a giggle as I playfully swat his hand away. He turns around and make his way inside, to reunite with his daughter.

A while later, El and Hopper walks out. She rushes towards Mrs. Byers and hugs her. I smile at their little reunion. I feel an arm wrapping around my shoulder. I turn my head to see Will. He smiles at me, making me smiles back.

He suddenly went rigid. "Will?" I said, frowning. He lift his hand, placing it on his neck. He turn his head to look at the sky.

"What is it?" I said. He didn't say anything and just keeps on staring at the sky. So I just follow his gaze and gasp when I see dark cloud. Familiar particles starts falling from the sky in which I recognize as the one from the Upside Down.

We make our way through the forest, eventually end up in a field. El walks forward and stands above the withered flowers. She kneels down to inspect them.

I turn my head and look forward. I let out a gasp of horror. There are a lot cracks on the ground with dark smoke coming out of it. Eleven turns to look at me and we shared the same expression. We both shares the same thoughts...

This war is far from over...

End of Book 3

A/N: okay! That is the end of Book 3. Book 4 will be out after the season 5 of Stranger Things is released. Until then, please stay tune. Thank you for the support and love everyone! Love ya~

The Love We Share (Will Byers X Reader) book 3 Where stories live. Discover now