Chapter 11

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Previously on Chapter 10

I close my eyes, letting my tears streams down my cheeks. I try my best to stop myself from crying. We don't have time to mourn. We have to get out of here and we have to return to the others. We have to go back to Hawkins because I have a gnawing feelings. A bad feeling... that they're all in serious danger.

-Familiar Faces-


We rush out of the lab, but as soon as we stepped out. Gunshots can be heard. The guard carrying me falls on his knees, dropping me in the process. I roll on the ground a few feet away from him. Out of the corner of my eyes, I can see El in a similar situation.

"E-El..." I muttered weakly. I hear a familiar sound of helicopter. I turn my head to see one, right above us. I struggle to move, as the sniper in the helicopter pointed his sniper at us.

She forces herself to stand up and points her hand at the helicopter. If she can still fight despite her weak body. I have to be strong too. I force myself to get up as well.

I stand next to her and outstretch my hand as well. We let out a scream as we move our hands down, which sends the helicopter crashing on the ground. It exploded into pieces.

I fall on my knees. El turns to me and kneels down in front of me, hugging me tight. I smile softly as I hugs her back. Out of the corner of my eyes, I can make out a shape of a van moving towards us.

"El..." I said. She pulls away and looks at me. I point my finger at the van. It stopped not far from us. The door of the van opens up. I can see familiar faces stepping out.

"Will..." I breathe out. A huge smile appears on my face. He stares back at me as tears starts to gather in his eyes. Mike is standing next to him. El and I stand up. The two of us runs towards our boyfriends.

I throw my arms around his neck, as he hugs me back. I bury my face into the crook of his neck as he holds me by my waist tightly. Tears streams down my cheeks as I hold him tightly.

"I miss you so much, Will..." I said, pulling away to look at him. "I miss you too, Y/N. So much... I love you so much. I'm so sorry for everything" he said, cupping my cheeks. I place my hands on top of his.

"I love you too, Will... I'm sorry too" I said. He leans in and places a soft kiss on my lips. I throw my arms around his neck, kissing him back. I tilt my head slightly, to deepen the kiss.

We pull away for air. I turn my head and make eye contact with Mike. "Mike..." I said. I pull away from Will and rushes towards him. He catches me mid-way and hugs me tightly.

LI miss you, cuz" he said. "I miss you too, Mikey..." I said. He gives me a little squeeze, making me smile. Will and El makes their way towards us, joining the hug. I feel so happy and warm. They're really here.

I turn my head to see Jonathan and... I don't know who that is. I pull away from the hug and rushes to Jonathan, hugging him. "Hey, little sis..." he said. I just smile softly. He's always been a brother figure for me. Well, even more since I'm dating his little brother.

I turn to look at the new guy. He stares at the ruins and dead bodies. He looks scared and confused. I turn to look at Jonathan.

"Who's he?" I asked. He turns to look at him. "Oh, that's Argyle... a friend of mine" he said. I hum softly and nod my head. I walk towards him. "Hello there, I'm Y/N..." I said, offering a hand for him to shake. He grabs mine and shakes it.

"I'm Argyle. That was so awesome! But... scary" he said. I let out a laugh at what he said. I shake my head lightly. "Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you. Unless you give me a reason to" I said. He just smile at me.

"Noted" he said, nodding his head. I just laugh at his reaction. We get inside the van. I sit next to Will, placing my head on his shoulder. He wraps his arm around my shoulder. I can feel a light kiss on the side of my head.

"We have to go back to Hawkins. Everyone there are in danger..." I said. Will turns his head to look at me. "What do you mean?" He asked. Eleven turns to him and starts explaining what she saw in the black void. Max is the next target and we need to do everything we can to save her.


We tried to call to see if we can get a flight ticket. But the earliest to fly to Hawkins will be tomorrow. We can't wait for that long. Max could be dead by then. Eleven and I head for the washroom to freshen up a little.

I wash my face and place my hands on the sink. "I just know... there has to be a way we can help Max" I said. I close my eyes trying to think of any possibility that could help us reach Max.

"Billy..." I said. I turn to look at Eleven as she stares at me in confusion. "Remember? When we try to look for an answer. When we tried to look for the source of the flayed. We get inside Billy's mind!" I said. Her eyes widened, realizing what I'm trying to say.

We head to the Pizza place Argyle is working at. He told us that we can get a lot of salts in there. So that is where we're heading. I start nibbling on my thumb nail, feeling anxious and nervous. Just hang in there, Max... we're coming to save you.

*to be continued*

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