Chapter 10

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Previously on Chapter 9

It was such a painful day for me. After I finally heal from the injuries. I use every power in me to escape that hell hole, and manage to find my way back to my mom. But even so, the bad memories just keeps haunting me. I could never forget what happened.

-They Need Us-


I sit next to El after she got out of the Nina Project. She have her head on my shoulder, as I hold onto hers. I gently rub her shoulder, trying my best to give her comfort. She's been shaken up ever since she got out of that tank.

"I'm the one who did it... I killed all of them. I'm a monster" she said. I can hear the sadness in her voice. I shake my head and pulls away from her. She turns to look at me.

"No, El... you're not the monster. I don't exactly remember what happened that day. But I know it wasn't you..." I said. I gently cups her cheeks and wipe her tears away.

"You're not a monster" I repeated. She just smiles softly at me and wraps her arms around me. I smile softly to myself as I hug her back, gently caressing her head. They have shaved her head again, like they did when we were little. But they didn't shave mine.

The door to our room opens up. Dr. Brenner walks in. I pull away from the hug and turns to look at him. He takes a seat in front of us. He starts to talk, trying to convince El that we have to do it. She needs to try and face the truth.

I place my hand on top of hers. "I know that you're scared to face the truth, El. But you need to fight it. It's your fear that blocks your power..." I said. She just nods her head, finally agreeing to try it one last time.


I take a seat on my usual chair. Eleven have entered the tank again. This time, they're playing the scene after the incident. I just hug my knees as I watch the monitor, showing the certain scene.

I was right... it wasn't El. It was 001, or known as Henry Creel. He's the one behind everyone's death, the real killer of other children and a guards. HE'S the real monster.

I watch as 001 fights El. He manage to overwhelms her for s bit, but she gained her confident and fights back. She thrust her hand forward, sending 001 flying through a glass.

She let out a scream as 001 starts to disintegrate. I realize what's happening. This is where El opens the portal to the Upside Down for the first time.

They took El out of the tank and lay her down on the bed. I place my hand on her chest, and focuses on trying to heal her. She wakes up, coughing up some water. I smile softly and hugs her. She wraps her arms around me, returning the hug.

She pulls away and walks towards the tank. She lift her hand, focusing on the tank. I grin happily as I watch the tank slowly lifted off of the ground. She lowers it back down. I runs towards her and wraps my arms around her, hugging her happily.

"You did it, El! You've gained your power back!!" I said, happily. She hugs me back, letting out a soft laugh. "We can finally go and save the others" she said. I pull away and nod my head in agreement.

"No... you're not ready. If you need to fight 001. You are going to need more than what you can do" Dr. Brenner said. I turn too look at him. "In case you hadn't notice, Dr. Brenner. Eleven is not fighting alone. She have me... I'll help her fight 001" I said. "You too need some training to do..." he said. I let out a scoff at what he said.

"They can choose whatever they want. It's their life" Dr. Owen said, siding El and I. I turn to look at him and smiles softly. He smiles and nods his head at me.

"We're not objects that you can control, Doctor. We have to go. Our friends needs us" I said. I turn to look at El. Dr. Owen turns around and leaves. I just grab El's hand.

"If you try to stop us and we'll kill you" I said. El turns to the door and use her power to open it. I fall on the ground as electricity starts surging through my body. I let out a scream as I begin convulsing on the ground.

Dr. Brenner quickly injects El with a sedating serum. She falls on the ground. I give her a sad gaze, as she looks back at me. I close my eyes and everything's starting to turn black.


When I wake up, I realize we're back in the same room. I turn to look at Eleven to see her wearing an identical collar like me. My eyes widened as she turn to me, sobbing softly. I force myself to stand up and walks towards her.

I wrap my arms around her. "I'm sorry" I whispered in a hush tone. She shakes her head and hugs me back. "Not your fault, Y/N..." she said. I can hear faint gun shots coming from the outside. The door opens and Dr. Brenner and a guard enters.

"We've got to get out of here. They found us" Dr. Brenner said. He walks towards El and picks her up. The guard walks towards me and carries me. "D-Dr. Owen? Where is he?" I said. Dr. Brenner turns to me and shakes his head.

My eyes widened as I feel tears slowly gathering in my eyes. Even though Dr. Owen is one of the people who helped in performing some cruel experiments on me. He's also the person who treated me with so much kindness in the end.

I close my eyes, letting my tears streams down my cheeks. I try my best to stop myself from crying. We don't have time to mourn. We have to get out of here and we have to return to the others. We have to go back to Hawkins because I have a gnawing feelings. A bad feeling... that they're all in serious danger.

*to be continued*

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