Chapter 9

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Previously on Chapter 8

I just looks away from him, crossing my arms across my chest. I'm so worried for El. There's one memory that I'm know she's terrified of remembering, so I never really talk about it. I know it's going to be very overwhelming for her. So I can only hope that she'll be alright.

-Get Her Out Of There!-


I keep watching, unable to do anything. El's heart rate is increasing. She must have felt terrified in there. I clench my hands, which are on my lap.

"Will she be okay?" I said, to no one in particular. I feel a hand on top of my head. I turn my head to see Dr. Owens. "She will be fine. If things got too out of hands... we'll get her out of there. I promise" he said. I let out a sigh and nod my head.

There's a small camera inside with her. So I can see her expressions. I notice a lone tear streaming down her cheek. "El..." I said, feeling upset that I couldn't do anything to help her.

Her heart rate starts to go up rapidly. I shake my head unable to watch it any further. "Stop! Stop! Get her out of there!" I yelled. They quickly turns off the machine. The doctors quickly opens the top of the Nina Project. They quickly pulls El out of the tank.

They start to treat her, trying their best to get her to wake up. She wakes up with a gasp. I quickly kneels down next to her, pulling her into my embrace.

"I'm sorry, El... I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't do anything..." I cried out. She wraps her arms around me. She place her hand on the back of my neck and tenses up.

She pulls away and notices the collar on my neck. Her eyes widened as she stares at it. I gently place a hand on the collar. Eleven stares at me in sadness. I just give her a weak smile.

She turns her head slightly and notices Dr. Brenner. She turns to look at me. I realize what she's trying to tell me. She reaches out and grabs something. She smash it on Dr. Brenner's head. She yanks off the oxygen mask from her face and grabs my hand. We quickly runs through the hall way.

We make it to the door, but it's locked. I keep trying to press the button. Nothing seem to work out. I can hear rapid footsteps coming closer. I turn my head to see a group of men.

They grab the two of us. Eleven kneels on the ground and let out a scream, sending the men flying. I squat on the ground, as to not get propelled away by her.

We turn our heads and notice Dr. Brenner standing a few feet away from us. He slowly walks towards us. "Stay away" El said. I move to stand up. "You better listen..." I said. Eleven stands up when he didn't do as we said.

"I said stay away!" Eleven said, outstretching her hand. But nothing seem to work. I stare at her in worry. Seems like her powers haven't fully returned yet. I turn to look at Dr. Brenner as he takes out a handkerchief and wipe the blood from his lips.

"You didn't think it's that easy, did you?" He said. El stares at her hand and shakes her head. "I don't understand..." she said. "I do..." he said, nodding his head.

The door behind us slowly opens up. I turn my head to look at it. I turn to look at Dr. Brenner as he's now standing right in front of us. He offers his hands to us.

"Papa..." Eleven said. "Daughter..." he said. She start to walk towards him and places her hand on his. She turns to look at me. She give me a nod, as if telling me that we should do this. I just turn to look at Dr. Brenner as he waits for me.

I stare at his other hand. I stare at his hand for a few seconds. I slowly walk forward and place my hand on top of his. He gives my hand a firm grip as he smiles at me. We turn around and walks back inside.


They took us to a small room. At least they let us to be roommates. They know it's going to help us stay calm, in a situation like this. I just walk towards one of the bed.

Eleven walks towards my bed and take a seat next to me. I gently wrap my arms around her shoulder, and pulls her closer. She automatically places her head on my shoulder. She must have felt exhausted from what happened.

The door to our room opens and Dr. Brenner walks in. I give her a hard stare as he makes his way over to sit in front of us. He gives me a soft smile, which I just know it's anything but sincere.

"Listen, El. I know you're pretty shaken up by what happened in there. But I believe by triggering your memories... it'll help you remember how you control your powers. But remember, you're not a prisoner here. You're free to leave anytime" he said. I turn to look at Eleven as she seems to be thinking what he just said.


Eleven is placed through another exposure session. I just take a seat on the chair, watching in silence. I stare at the screen, letting me see that Eleven is in a room.

Blood is everywhere. I remember the day it happen. But I can't remember it clearly. All I know is that I was one of the victim. But miraculously, I survived and managed to stay alive. It was long before I got the chance to call my father.

I lower my head as I recall what happened to my dad that day. I close my eyes as the horrible memories starts coming back to me.


I lay on my bed, all bruised and in pain after what happened. I tried to think of what happened. But no matter how hard I tried to remember, it only bring headache to my head.

I turn my head slightly and noticed the doctor have left his phone. I quickly take it and dialed my dad's number. He picked up after a few rings.

"Dad... dad, it's me!" I said. "Y/N? Honey..." he said. I can hear relieved in his voice. "Dad, p-please take me out h-h-here. They're horrible, dad. I'm not sick, Dad. They are lying! They're only here to perform some weird tests on me. It's painful" I cried out. He started to say comforting words to me, assuring me that he will tried everything he can to take me out.

A While Later

"Where's my daughter! I'm taking her with me!" I hear his voice from outside. The door to my room bursts open and my dad walks in. I burst into tears as soon as I saw him.

"D-Dad..." I said. He cried out as he saw how bad my state are. "Don't worry, honey... I'll take you out of here. We'll get you a proper medication, okay?" He said. I just nod my head. He picks me up in his arms.

But before he could take a step outside the room. A loud gunshot resonated in the room. He dropped me on the ground as he falls. My eyes widened in horror. "Dad...


End of flashback

I shake my head, trying to dismiss the memories. I notice Dr. Brenner staring at me. I just look away from him. I sniff softly, realizing my nose is stuffed. I lift my hand to my cheeks, realizing I've been crying.

It was such a painful day for me. After I finally heal from the injuries. I use every power in me to escape that hell hole, and manage to find my way back to my mom. But even so, the bad memories just keeps haunting me. I could never forget what happened.

*to be continued*

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