Chapter 5

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Previously on Chapter 4

I glare hard on the wall over El's shoulder. I can feel her body shaking as she cries harder in my arms. It makes the hatred in my heart for Angela grows at a rapid pace. Just you wait, Angela... you'll regret messing with me. I'll make sure of it! You've messed with the wrong person.



El pulls away from me. She slowly walks towards the window and looks out. I stand next to her and notice Angela standing there with her friends laughing with them, while watching the footage.

El's starts crying again. But not long after that, her face turns into anger. She walks out of the storage room and calls out to Angela. She stops walking and turns to look at her. I walk towards them and stand next to El.

"Angela!" She said. Angela stops laughing and turn to look at her. "Oh, look who it is" she said. "You ruined our day" she said. "Oh no, you mean embarrass you in front of your boyfriends?" She said.

"I want you to say sorry to me and I want you to tell my boyfriend that it was just a joke, and that we're really friends" she said. Angela lets out a laugh at what she said. "Or what?" She said, she outstretch her hand to mimic El's gesture.

"You're gonna hurt us with your mean stare. Sorry you can't run to a teacher today. You just have to cry to your daddy. Oh wait... can't do that either" she said. She burst out laughing, along with the others. She turns around and walks away. Her friends just follows along while laughing.

I can feel my blood boiling in anger at what she did. How dare she talked to El like that. I was about to call out to her in anger, when El walks forward. She grabs a roller skate from one of the people. She just keeps storming towards Angela.

"Angela!" She yelled. Angela stops walking and turns around. She swings the roller skate and hits Angela on the face. Angela falls onto the ground with a loud scream.

Her friends helps her sit up. I can see blood dripping down her forehead. Out of the corner of my eyes, I can see everyone staring at us in horror. I clench my hands into tight fists.

"What the fuck are you all staring at?! You bullied us, when all we've been trying to do is try to have some quality time with our boyfriends. Now when we try to put up justice... and defend ourselves. You all acted as if we're monsters. You're the monsters around here!!" I yelled. I turn to Angela and walks towards her. I kneels down in front of her.

"I did say... if you dare cross path with us. I'm going to make you regret it..." I said, glaring angrily at her. I lift my hand and let fire burst on the palm of my hand.

I can hear gasps of shock coming from everyone

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I can hear gasps of shock coming from everyone. I can hear them talking among themselves, calling me a witch. I turn to them and glare at them coldly.

"Keep your word among yourself, or I'll burn you to bits" I said, growling angrily. They stare at me with fear reflecting in their eyes. I turn to look at Angela and points my inflamed palm at her.

"Y/N, stop!!" Will's voice said. I turn to look at him. "Why?! All this bitch have been doing is make our days hard for us! She need to be taught a lesson!" I said. I turn to focus on Angela, who's shaking in fear. But before I could do anything.

Will grabs my burning hand. I can see the fire burns his hand. My eyes widened at what he did. "Let go, Will!" I said, staring at him in shock. "No! First calm down!" He said. I breathe heavily and try to calm down.

The fire in my hand slowly dimmed off. Will remove his hand from mine and cry out in pain. "I... I'm s-so sorry, Will... h-here, let me help..." I cried out. I try to hold his hand, but he quickly pulls it away from me. I stare at him with a hurt expression. But he just looks away from me.


There are medics here, they're all treating Angela. I just sit next to El, who still looks shocked at what she did. I turn to her and wrap my arms around her. She leans her head on my shoulder. I rub her shoulder gently as an attempt to calm her. I can still feel their eyes on me.

I turn to look at Will, who's standing next to Mike. He turns to me and just stares. I can see a slight fear in his eyes. The sight makes my chest tightens. Just like the others, he must think that I'm a monster. I look down as tears slowly streams down my cheeks.

Argyle and Jonathan picks us up. The ride is silent the whole way. I just lean my head on the window, staring out as the streets and buildings moved by in a blur.

Soon we reached the house. Mrs. Byers isn't home. I can only assume she have a client to tend to. I just head straight to my room and slam the door shut.

I throw myself onto the bed and bury my face into my pillow. I let out a muffled scream. I just lay there, letting myself pour out my pent up emotions. Tears starts falling from my eyes as I start to cry harder, dampening the pillow case.

Exhaustion starts catching us to me. I let out a choke sob. I turn to lay on my side, letting myself drift off to sleep with tears still streams down my cheeks.

Will P.O.V

Mike helps me bandage my burned hand. I just stare at my hand in sadness. I shouldn't have reacted that way to Y/N. She can't control it. She was fed up with the way Angela have been treating her and El.

"I'm so stupid..." I said. Mike lift his head after I said that. "Why?" He said. "I shouldn't have reacted that way. Y/N must have thought that I'm scared of her" I said, looking down.

"Then talk to her..." he said. I turn to look at him. "What about you?" I said. He let out a sigh. "I'll talk to El too, of course" he said, running a hand through his hair. I just hum and nod my head.

I stand up and make my way towards Y/N's room. I lift my hand and was about to knock. But I stop mid-way. I press my ear to the door. I can hear muffled sob coming from inside. She's crying... and it's all because of me.

I should have supported her when she needed me the most. She's always been there for me, when I was possessed. She saved me. I should've done the same for her... but I didn't.

I'm so sorry, Y/N...

*to be continued*

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