Chapter 3

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Previously on Chapter 2

The sight of her sad face instantly fuels my anger. One day, I'll surely teach Angela a lesson. I'm not going to let her make fun of Eleven and get away with it easily. Just you wait, Angela!!

-Holding Back-


As soon as the class is over, Eleven quickly gathers her stuff and storms out of the room. "Wait!" I call out to her. I grab my belongings and chases after her. Will follows along, close behind me.

"El, it's okay! You don't have to listen to her. She doesn't know what she's talking about! Your dad is a hero and nothing she said or do can change that!" I said.

"Y/N's right, El. Your presentation was awesome!" Will said. "Friends don't lie!" She said, speeding up. "We're not lying, El. El!" I yelled. But she ignores me and keeps walking. I want to chase after her, but Will grabs my hand.

"I think we should just let her be for now" he said. I let out a sigh and nod my head, agreeing with him. I stare at El's figure as she storms away.

"I'll make sure Angela will pay for what she did..." I said, growling under my breath. Will gently wraps his arm around me, as an attempt to calm me down. "Calm down, Y/N. Remember that we moved here to have a new start" he said. I let out a sigh, knowing what he said is true.

That's why I've been trying so hard to hold back. So I don't expose what I'm able to do. I don't want them to see me as a freak. I mean, that didn't change the fact that I AM a freak. But it's enough that the ones who knows about it, is the Byers and El. I don't need any more people to know what I can do.


It's time for us to go home. El still didn't say a thing to Will and I. I know why she's behaving that way. It makes me feel even more annoyed. What did we do for Angela to constantly bully us like that? It's very annoying.

If it weren't for the Byers' sake. I would have use my power to make Angela kill herself. But they will be affected too if I ever expose myself. That's one of the main reason why I've been holding back.

I hear something falling. I turn my head to see El's project on the ground. One of Angela's friend stomps on it, giving El a mock surprise expression. I glare at him angrily.

I was about to walk towards him, when a hand grab mine. I turn my head to see Will. "Don't..." he said. I let out a sigh and turn to look at El. She looks angry at Angela and her friends.

"Angela!" She yelled out. Angela stops walking and turn to her. She quickly stands up and walks towards Angela. She outstretch her hand with a scream. She's trying to use her power. But nothing happens. The students around her starts laughing like an idiot. I walk towards her and wrap my arm around her.

"Let's just go, El..." I said, in a soft voice. I turn to look at Angela who gave us a smug expression. I glare angrily at her. She gives me a mock startled look.

"What's with that look, Y/N? We were just joking around... why? Can't handle a simple harmless joke? Wanna go to your mommy? Oh wait... you can't do that, huh? You're nothing but a poor little orphan. Boo hoo" she said. The people around her starts to laugh again. I clench my free hand as the other still wrapped around El's shoulder.

"You better take that back... or I swear, Angela. I'll make you regret for crossing paths with me" I said, glaring angrily at her. She smirks at what I said. "Oh, I'm scared. What can you possibly do?" She said. I let out a low growl.

I move my arm from El's shoulder. I walk towards Angela, giving her a look of hatred. But before I could get any closer to I feel a hand grab mine. I turn my head to see Will.

"Don't... let's just go, okay?" He said, in a soft voice. I turn to Angela who's still smirking at me. I let out a soft sigh. "Okay..." I said. It's not worth it anyway. Getting so worked up over a brat like her... and it definitely won't be worth it to expose my power in front of these people. It'll have a bad effect on Will and the others.

"Such a big word, coming from you. But where? It's just an empty threat!" Angela said. Will turns to look at her. "Don't push it, Angela!" He said. He wraps his arm around my shoulder. The three of us quickly left the place before Angela could tick me off even more.


The three of us enters our house. I make my way to the couch and sits down. I let out a sigh as I lean my head back, placing it on the couch's back rest. I feel someone sitting next to me. I turn my head slightly to see Will.

"Are you okay?" He said. I let out a huff and scoot closer to him. I place my head on his shoulder. He gently wrap his arm around me.

"I'm just upset

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"I'm just upset. I could've done something about that girl. But I can't risk exposing myself. It'll affect you, Jonathan... and your mom too. We've went through so much hard time back in Hawkins. Just like you had said. We moved here so we can have a chance at starting a new life... and I don't wanna ruin that..." I said.

Will tightens his arms around me. I just bury my face into the crook of his neck. My shoulders starts to shake violently, as tears starts to stream down my cheeks.

"Shh... shh... shh. It's okay, love. I'm right here..." he said. He place his hand on my head gently caressing my hair. I clutch the front of his shirt, desperately needing his comfort.

"If I don't have to worry about any of you. I would've already taught that girl a lesson... but I don't want to drag any of you into my mess" I said. "I'm sure you will. You're not alone, Y/N... you don't have to hide your emotions. If you need to let go. Just let it go... I'm right here with you. I'll be here... always" he said.

I slowly starts to calm down, but I didn't move from his embrace. He didn't move away either, he knew I needed his comfort. I start to feel exhausted from all the crying. So I just closes my eyes, letting myself drift off to sleep.

*to be continued*

The Love We Share (Will Byers X Reader) book 3 Where stories live. Discover now