Chapter 14

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Previously on Chapter 13

I turn my head and notice Max being dragged by the vines. She's lifted off the ground and tied to the pole. "M-Max..." I choked out. It's hard to move... heck, I can't even breathe. I can't give up. Max is seconds away from death.

What should I do?

-Final Battle-


I watched in horror as Max's eyes slowly turns white. I can't even begin to imagine what's happening to her main body. I feel my tears streaming down my cheeks. I close my eyes tightly, not daring to watch.

Y/N! Someone said. I open my eyes at the sound. I look around, but no one's here. Will? I said. Y/N... come on! Don't give up, Y/N! You can do this! Fight back! You're stronger than this! He yelled. I take a deep breath, suddenly the vines that wraps around my neck have no effect anymore.

My hands burst into flames. 001 turns to look at me, as he must've felt the flame burning him too.

The fear in my body disappears, giving me full control of myself

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The fear in my body disappears, giving me full control of myself. I realize why I haven't been able to use my powers properly. It's because 001 have been haunting my head... taunting me.

He's been feeding fear into my mind. That's why it was hard for me to take full control. But now that it's gone... I'm gonna destroy him.

He let out a low growl at me. He lift his hand and I quickly outstretch my hands, sending a strong burst of flame at him. He screams in pain as the fire makes contact with his body.

"You've already lost..." I said. Vecna suddenly lets out a scream as her whole body disintegrate. I turn to look at El in confusion. She shakes her head, as if telling me it wasn't her doing.

We returned back to the void with Max's main body. This time, there's Lucas too. He's holding Max, while crying. I walk towards him and drops down on my knees. El have a similar reaction.

"Max... no" I said, shaking my head. I don't want to believe that one of my dear friend is dying. Tears keep streaming down my cheeks. "Don't die, Max. Please... this is wrong. El and I should have saved you. I'm sorry, Max... I'm so sorry we're not strong enough. Please don't go..." I begged, while holding her hand.

Her breathing slowed down. I shake my head, not wanting to accept the fact that she's gone. I lift my hands and place it on her chest.

"No... I refuse to believe you're gone! There's still a hope. I can still save you!" I said. My hands slowly starts to glow.


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"El... try to get inside her mind. Fill it with our best memories!" I said. She nods her head. She places her hand on Max's chest, while both of mine is on her stomach.

"Come on, Max! You're stronger than this... you can't just give up. You can't die, Max. Not like this! You still have a future, Max!" I yelled. I force myself to push behind my limits. I can feel my blood slowly dripping down my nose.

But nothing seem to happen. I burst into tears as I remove my hands. El turns to me and wraps her arms around me. I hug her back, crying harder. I close my eyes, deciding we should just return to the real world.

I open my eyes, to see a worried looking Will. He let out a sigh of relief as he notices me awake. I burst in tears once again as soon as I see him. I move to sit up and wrap my arms around his neck.

"Max..." I cried out. He stays silent, gently wrapping his arms around me. He runs his hand through my hair as he held me close. I bury my face in the crook of his neck, crying.

Will P.O.V

Y/N starts crying as soon as she sees me. Which I can instantly tell what that means. They've failed to defeat the monster... and now Max is gone.

I can feel tears building up in my eyes, but I force myself to not cry. Not right now. Y/N needs me more than anything right now. I have to be strong for her sake.

Y/N's body suddenly goes limp. I pull away slightly to see her eyes closes. "Y/N?" I said. I lower my body and holds her upper body. I gently pat her cheeks to try and wake her up, but she's not responding.

"Wake up, Y/N... come on!" I said. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn my head to see Jonathan. "She's exhausted... she will be alright!" He said. Eleven turn to look at me.

"She uses up all her powers to try and bring Max back to life. But it failed... I guess the exhaustion and sadness got to her" she said. She looks exhausted too, but not as tired as how Y/N look.

I turn my head to look at Y/N. I lift my hand, gently cupping the side of her cheek. Her body feels very cold... but she's breathing. They're right, she's just tired.


We decided to check in a small motel to let the girls rest. So that's where we're heading to. I hold Y/N on my lap. Her head is resting on my shoulder. I hold her firmly, so she won't fall over.

Soon we pull up to a closest motel. I gently pick Y/N up and make our way inside. Jonathan gets the room for us. Then we make our way towards the room.

Jonathan opens the door with the key and let me inside first. I make my way towards the bed and gently lay Y/N down. I kneel down next to the bed, pushing hairs out of her face. I hold her hand as I place a soft kiss on the back of her hand. I lift my other hand and gently place it on her head. I start to caress her head softly.

I have to stay here and be there for Y/N, because knowing her... she's going to go hard on herself again once she wakes up. So, I'm going to stay here to comfort her. This is one of those times where she needs me more than anything.

I have made a mistake not consoling her when the incident with Angela happened, it led to us fighting. When we got separated, every second feels like it's killing me. But now I have her back. I'm not going to make the same mistake again... I don't want to lose her. So this time, I'll be by her side.

*to be continued*

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