Chapter 2

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Previously on Chapter 1

I pick up my pencil and start scribbling some notes. I make sure to add everything that are important for the presentation, and just like Will said... he stayed with me the whole time. He's literally the best boyfriend I could EVER ask for.

-Trouble At School-



I'm sitting in a room. I look around the place, wondering where in the world I am. I try to walk, but it feels like my feet are glued on the ground. No matter how hard I tried to move, it makes me feel as if I'm paralyzed.

"Hello, Six..." someone said. I turn my head and my eyes widened. "You..." I said, in a shaky voice. He smirks and walks over to me. He lift his hand and place it on top of my head.

"It's time to return to your training, Six" he said. I shake my head. "No... no more!" I yelled. The light in the room starts flickering, and there's a loud ringing sound. I cover my ears in pain because of the sound. "Stop... make it stop!!!" I yelled. I clench my eyes shut. Then silence.

I open my eyes and realize I'm in a forest. There are small particles flying around in the sky. I let out a shaky breath, realizing where I am. The Upside Down.

I shake my head as I watch a shadow appearing in front of me. "No... this is just a nightmare! Wake up, Y/N! Wake up! Damn it!! This isn't real!" I yelled to myself.

"Oh, is it?" Someone said. I turn my head to see a man. But his whole body is covered in veins. My eyes widened as I stare at him. I feel like I can't breathe as he walks towards me.

Y/N, wake up!!

End of Dreams

I jolt awake, sitting up on the bed. I breathe heavily as I feel my whole body is drenched in cold sweat. I feel a hand on my shoulder, making me jump.

"Hey, hey... it's okay. It's me, Y/N. It's Will" he said. I turn to look at him. "Will..." I said, in a weak voice. He scoots closer to me and gently wrap his arms around my shaking form. I bury my face into the crook of his neck.

"Another nightmare?" He said. I nod my head, not saying anything. He let out a sigh and gently runs his hand through my hair. I clutch onto his shirt, feeling my heart feels like it's about to burst.

"Was it the same one?" He asked again. I just nod my head again. He let out a sigh and slowly pull away from me. He gently cups my cheeks and wipe the tears from my eyes, only then I realize that I've been crying.

"It's just a nightmare. It's not real..." he said. I let out a choke sob. "W-What if it w-was? What if... what i-if it's something that is going t-to happen?" I said. He shakes his head.

"Let's not think about something we have no idea about. Let's just focus on what actually happens" he said. I let out a shaky breath and nod my head weakly. He smiles softly and pulls me into another hug.


Will, Eleven and I are currently walking through the school's hallway. The three of us enrolled ourselves into this school, as soon as we moved to California. So that's how we ended up here.

I can feel pair of eyes on me, but I keep my head down. Since the first day I enter this school, the only ones I talked to are Will and Eleven. I refuse to talk to any of them. They will only sees me as a freak anyway.

We enter the classroom. I place my project on the table and take a seat, hanging my backpack on the chair's backrest. Eleven, Will and I sit on the same row... with me seated in the middle. I take out my novel and start to read, trying to past time as we wait for the teacher to arrive.

I flinch when I feel something hit my cheek. I lift my hand and wipe it. It's a wet paper. I turn my head to the source to see it's Angela. She's doing the same with Eleven.

Oh yeah, I forgot about her. Ever since we entered this school... Angela and her stupid minions have been bullying me and Eleven non-stop. She's really getting on my nerve.

I clench my hands into tight fists. The wind outside the class is starting to blow harder due to my power to control elements. I try my hardest to remain calm, so I don't reveal the secret that I've been trying so hard to keep hidden.

"Y/N... calm down" Will said, whispering softly into my ear. I turn my head to see he have stood up from his seat, and is now standing next to me. He bends down to my eye-level. His soothing voice, instantly calms me. I take a couple of deep breath, the strong wind outside the class starts to calm.

"Wow... it's especially windy today. I wonder if there will be a storm or something" someone said, looking out the window. Will place his hand on my head. He gently caress my hair, trying his best to calm me. I smile softly at him, finally feeling a lot calmer. The wind finally stops blowing hard.

"Thanks, Will..." I said. He nods his head and walks over to his seat. He takes a seat and smiles softly at me. I turn my focus on the novel in my hands and starts to read again.

The teacher eventually enters the class after a while. I place a bookmark on the current page and place it inside my backpack. One by one, the students are called to present their project. Now, it's Angela's turn. I just place my chin on the palm of my hand as I listen to her in silence.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I can see a girl slipping her shoe inside Will's jeans. I turn to her and glare angrily. She notices my stare and gives me a smirk. I clench my hands and stare at her with hatred. Her nose slowly starts to bleed.

Will notices what happened to the girl and turn to look at me. "Stop it" he mouthed at me. I let out a sigh and look away from the girl. I decide to just think of something else, to get my mind off of that annoying girl.

After she finished her part. It's Eleven's turn. She stand up and walks towards the front of the class. She looks so nervous. She turns to look at me. I give her an encouraging nod. She take a deep breath and start talking about Hopper.

But in the middle of her explanation. Angela once again decided to be a bitch and cuts her off. I can tell what she said about how Hopper isn't a hero upsets Eleven. I can see Eleven's eyes starting to water from her tears.

The sight of her sad face instantly fuels my anger. One day, I'll surely teach Angela a lesson. I'm not going to let her make fun of Eleven and get away with it easily. Just you wait, Angela!!

*to be continued*

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