"Unworthy successors"

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As the days go by, the dragons and ancients grew and matured together, some gaining more familial bonds and some gaining... others~. The dragons all live in a certain kingdom with their most trusted ancient. Pitaya stayed with Holly, Ananas stayed with Cheese, Lotus stayed with Lily and Lychee stayed with Cacao. You may be wondering, Lychee and Cacao?! Well, their difference in personality makes them seems as if they'd clash and piss eachother off, they see eachothers technical abilities and skills in battle intrigued one another and made them form a close alliance.

On a normal seeming day, where all Nine of the questers have met up to discuss their kingdoms and progress, a Large dragon arrives, causing chaos and panic amongst cookie citizens. Homes are set ablaze, cookies are crushed and turned to stone, and floating eyes roam the streets hunting down any remaining survivors. The mysterious dragon then phases into a tall, blank, and menacing entity, Longan Dragon cookie.

They enter the Hollyberry castle, entering the large hall where the questers have gathered.

Holly- This is a private meeting, if you need a word with one of us you'll need to wa-

Longan- You have no power over me, measly cookie

Cacao- Pardon? You do not barge in on an important meeting and start demeaning our status.

Longan- You, 4 colourful 'cookies'

Cacao is clearly irritated by Longan for blatantly ignoring him.

Pitaya- Who, usss?

Longan- Yes. You 4 were never meant to associate with such low life creatures.

Lotus- Who are you to act so high and mighty? None of us know your identity

Longan- Remember the day you 4 separated, who broke you apart?

Dragons- We don't-... know...

Ananas- It was... YOU!

Everyone in the room besides Longan freeze up, looking at one another like dears in headlights. None of them know what to do or what to say so Longan breaks the panicked silence.

Longan- I'm here to eradicate all of you, as none of you prove worthwhile.

All- WHAT?!

Pitaya- Ssso you ruin our LIVESSS and now decide we aren't good enough for you?! SSSERIOUSSLY?!

Longan- I had hoped one of you would have blossomed into a worthy successor but its evident that idea was clearly ignorant on my end, so prepare yourselves, Cookies, as your fate is sealed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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