Chapter 2. Comfort (Sexual Content)

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Bucky re-entered the house a few minutes later, his back pack and jacket in hand.  Before Lacey said anything to him he put a finger against his lips to stay quiet.  Cocking his head slightly as if he was listening to something, he walked around the room like he was honing in on a signal.  Approaching the bookcase he quietly pulled out several books until he found a small electronic device.  After pouring a glass of water, he dropped the device into it.  He cocked his head again and this time went into Lacey's bedroom.  She followed him, watching silently as he looked up at her light fixture.  Stepping onto her bed he reached his hand into the open bowl of the shade and pulled out another device, dropping it into the glass of water that held the first one.  Lacey started to say something but he put his hand out again and walked throughout the house listening until he was satisfied there were no more.

"How did you do that?" she asked.

"I can hear a larger range of frequencies than most people," he replied.  "As soon as I came in the house I knew there was a different sound and just assumed they planted something.  I'm sorry about your brother."

Her lips trembled and she began weeping as she covered her face with her hands.  Bucky put his arms around her, holding her, while rubbing her back with his right hand.  He stood there with her for some time until her weeping began to subside and she reached for a tissue to blow her nose.  As she sat on the couch he sat next to her, looking at her sympathetically.

"Were you and your brother close?" he asked.

"Yesterday was the first time I saw him in five years," she replied.  "He fell in with a rich crowd in college and once he graduated kept hanging out with them, even working with a couple of them.   Before he went to college we were pretty close."

Bucky listened without interrupting as she told him about her brother looking out for her during her teen years.  Then she told him about the fun they had staying with their grandparents in this house, exploring the property and laying out under the stars until their grandparents would call them in to bed. 

"It sounds like he cared about you," he stated softly.  "Perhaps he left without saying anything to keep you safe.  I can stay here for a while longer, in case anyone dangerous shows up."

"What about that boat to Europe?" She looked up at him.  "Don't you want to get out of here as soon as you can?"

"There's always cargo ships going there," he replied.  "Right now, I think you need someone to make sure you're safe."

"Why would you do that?" she asked, echoing his earlier question to her.  "You don't know me."

He smirked then his face softened.  "Matthew 25:35," he stated, "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.  I'm not religious but my parents lived by that verse during the Depression from what I can remember.  You helped me.  I can at least repay that."

"Thank you," said Lacey.  "I appreciate it."

His smile flashed again and Lacey felt her cheeks get warm.  By his own admission Bucky had revealed he had a reputation with women and she could see why.  Those blue eyes and brilliant smile probably got him into a lot of beds.  Remembering the bloody bandages she emptied the garbage can from the bathroom into the kitchen garbage can. 

"They didn't find these during their search," she said.  "In fact, they never went into the bathroom at all."

Bucky pulled the bag out of the container.  "Let me dispose of this," he said.  "Don't want them to associate you with me."

He left with the garbage bag and didn't return for about ten minutes.  For the rest of the afternoon they worked on fixing the windows as Lacey really didn't want to talk to her mother just yet.  Bucky found caulking in the garage and seemed to know how to apply it to the windows so it was even.  Lacey started painting the windows that didn't need the caulking and by the end of the afternoon had finished them.   The upper windows had been sanded by Bucky who showed no fear of going up the ladder to deal with them, unlike Lacey who had put that chore off due to her fear of heights.  He came back down and asked for the paint, which she handed to him gratefully.  When he came back down from that task she noticed he had paint on his pants and offered to wash them again before the paint set.  Remembering something she stepped into the house.  He followed her inside and saw her pull the ladder down from the attic access door.

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