Chapter 10. Regret

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Shuri contacted Lacey after Bucky returned to cryostasis to learn more about the play set. When the Princess described the toys that were actually sent on Bucky's behalf Lacey didn't know what to think. It was suggested that Lacey take a closer look at the play set and see if there were any marks on it of any kind that could identify it. When she brought it up later to Clint and Laura they both looked concerned.

"If it wasn't the Wakandans that sent it then who?" asked Clint. "No one except Fury knows we're here and I can't see him sending this without making an appearance or at least an acknowledgement."

"Could it be one of the Avengers that came here after that mission to hide out?" asked Laura.

"Steve sent a present, so did Natasha," said Lacey. "Thor and Bruce are still missing, right? That leaves Tony and he wouldn't, not after finding out about Bucky."

"What do you mean?" asked Clint. "He's known about Bucky most of the time. What haven't you told us?"

Lacey covered her mouth, angry at herself. "One of the things that Zemo did was to reveal to Tony Stark who killed his parents," she said, not wanting to say anything further but Clint still looked blankly at her. "He revealed it in Siberia, when he followed Steve and Bucky there. It's why he shot Bucky's arm off."

"Shit, the Winter Soldier," said Clint. "It was always thought to be a traffic accident but it was a hit?"

Lacey nodded. "There was traffic cam footage and Zemo showed Stark," she said. "Sent him into a rage and he tried to kill Bucky. He and Steve had to team up and fight him together to stop him. It's why Steve and Sam went underground."

"Damn," said Clint. "But why would Tony send a play set, an expensive one at that, to the son of the man who killed his parents? Unless, the decryption of the HYDRA files has made him realize Bucky was never in control."

Lacey went over to the play set and began to inspect it for any sign it came from Tony, knowing that his ego was big enough for him to put something on it but she found nothing and although she agreed with Clint's speculation there was no actual proof he sent it.

The matter would have been considered unresolved if Lacey hadn't received a visit from the man himself soon after. Clint applied to have his restrictions relaxed. He had to attend a hearing outside of his 10 mile radius so Agent Jones came to pick him up and Laura went with them. The older two children, Cooper and Lila, were at school, leaving Lacey to look after Nathaniel and now 20 month old Tommy. While they were outside playing a sound from the sky attracted their attention. Gathering the two boys close to her Lacey watched as Iron Man descended into the yard. The two little boys were awestruck as the suit opened and Tony Stark stepped out. Lacey said nothing when she saw him, unsure of why he was there but to his credit he came right over, smiling in a friendly manner.

"It looks good," he said, waving his hand at the structure. "Tommy likes it?"

"He loves it," she replied. "Why didn't the installers say it was from you? And how do you know his name?"

"I wasn't sure you would accept it, given the circumstances," he said, frowning slightly, then looking closer at Tommy. "He is definitely Barnes' son. Those eyes ...." Lacey didn't respond. "Look, here's the thing. Yes, I did try to kill Barnes but I was in a rage at the time due to that Sokovian madman showing me something no child, even one as old as me, should ever see. I'm still working on forgiveness but I have acquired understanding of what HYDRA did to him to make him into what he was. He needs treatment and I'm glad he's getting it."

"It might be years before he's well enough to join us," said Lacey. "Are you going to come after him then?"

Tony paused, giving her a sad but understanding look that said it all.  It was probably the only time Lacey would see Tony Stark looking humbled.

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