Chapter 3. Visitors

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A hand on her mouth woke Lacey and she heard Bucky's voice whisper in her ear

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A hand on her mouth woke Lacey and she heard Bucky's voice whisper in her ear.  "There's someone outside," he said.  "I'm going to put my clothes on and check it out.  Can you get into the attic by yourself and pull up the ladder?"

"Yes," she said, suddenly afraid.  "You be careful."

"I always am," he replied and he went to his room quietly. 

Lacey threw some clothes on and went out to the main room, pulling down the ladder and going up.  She pulled the ladder up behind her and sat in the corner of the attic, near the window, trying to see what was going on outside.  She did see one man, with a gun, when Bucky came up behind him unseen and unheard.  He put the man into a chokehold, knocking him out.  Then he disarmed him and pulled him into the bushes.  She heard the sound of a door opening into the house and held her breath, afraid to move.  The door opened again and there was the sound of a scuffle followed by silence.   Several minutes later the door opened once more and she heard a muffled whisper in a language she couldn't recognize.  There was another scuffle which lasted longer but again ended in silence. 

A sound outside the window drew her attention and she watched as a big man with a shaved head came across the yard.  He looked up at the window and she pulled back immediately, afraid she had been seen.  A few minutes later the sound of the door to the attic being pulled down reached her ears and she heard someone coming up the ladder.  Terrified, Lacey tried to hide herself in the darkness.  A man's head peeked out from the opening, seeming to look right at her.  It took all of her willpower not to scream.  Suddenly he was pulled down and she could hear the sound of a brawl in the house.  Creeping to the opening on her hands and knees she saw glimpses of Bucky, carrying a kitchen knife in his hand, as he fought the man.  It was incredible to watch him.  He was fast, brutal, and he fought like a demon against a man who was obviously skilled in this type of fighting.  Bucky was so much more skilled in his fighting technique that it seemed he was almost playing with the man, waiting for the moment when he could take him down.  He finally pinned the man down putting the knife through his palm, and into the floor.  With his artificial hand Bucky punched him repeatedly until the man was unconscious before he stopped and sat back on his heels, his breathing barely noticeable.  He looked up the stairs.

"Are you okay?" he called.

"Yes," she answered back.

"Do you have duct tape?" he asked.  "They need to be immobilized until the FBI gets here.  They're Russian and they were talking about the flash drive."

"In my desk," she said.  "Do you want me to get it?

"No, stay up there for a bit," he replied.  "I'll take care of it."

He opened her desk drawer, located the duct tape and began to hog tie the three men, frisking them to make sure they weren't carrying any other weapons.  Then he went outside, found the fourth and carried him inside, hog tying him and frisking him as well.  Only then would he allow her to come down, turning on the light so she could see.  She looked at the four men then at Bucky.

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