Chapter 30. Flash Forward - Part 2

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Two and a half years later

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Two and a half years later

The farmer's market was packed and Raina Barnes wondered if she should have come at all. Her cravings had got the best of her and she wanted her spicy salsa desperately. With both Bucky and Tom training today she phoned her mother-in-law Lacey asking if she would take them both to the market so she could pick up the spicy salsa that was only available at that particular farmer's stand. She felt a hand on her elbow and Lacey leaned towards her.

"You okay?" her face concerned. "You seemed hesitant there for a moment."

"I'm okay," replied Raina. "Let's just get the salsa and go."

They walked to the stall, bought several jars of the salsa and began walking back to the car. Just as they got to the parking lot Raina felt a stretching across her back. She breathed out in response and Lacey looked at her sharply. Shaking her head like it was nothing Raina took another few steps and then stopped again, this time putting her hand on her back. Lacey put her arm around the young woman and encouraged her to walk the few more steps to the car. Opening the back seat door she gestured to Raina to get in.

"Why the back seat?" she asked.

"You're in labour," said Lacey. "I've had three super soldier babies and you're definitely going to have that baby today. Are they painful?"

"Just twinges in my back," said Raina. "I'm not due for two more weeks."

"Doesn't mean anything to the baby," replied Lacey. "Super soldier babies develop faster. You planned on having it at the medical centre right?"

Raina nodded. She felt another twinge and this one was uncomfortable. Lacey got into the front seat and started the car. They were forty minute's drive from the compound. Hopefully the baby wouldn't arrive before then. Lacey activated the AI.

"Friday, alert Dr. Banner that Raina Barnes is in labour and en route to the medical centre," she said. "ETA is forty minutes. Alert Tom Barnes as well."

"Understood, Mrs. Barnes," said the female voiced AI, resurrected after the reconstruction of the Avengers compound. "Is transport in your private vehicle? I have your location near Chappaqua. Access to local traffic lights can be obtained to streamline your journey."

"Yes, it's my private vehicle," said Lacey. "I will advise if traffic light control is required."

She looked in the rear view mirror and saw Raina's face respond to the latest twinge. Her daughter-in-law was definitely uncomfortable.

"Raina are you wearing a watch?" she asked. "We may have to start timing if these twinges get stronger."

"No, my hands and wrists were swollen this morning, so I didn't put it on," replied the younger woman. "They are getting stronger and lasting longer."

"Okay, just breathe deeply when they come and try not to panic," said Lacey calmly. "Friday, you better get into traffic control and see if you can speed this trip up."

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